
Wedding blog names?!

I wish I were more creative.

I decided to start writing a blog about planning a wedding in Austin, on a budget. I have my own experience to draw on (mine was under $8k) and I'm currently helping my friend plan a $2k wedding (yes, we WILL pull that off). So I want to blog about budget tips. DIY tips. Planning in Austin in general.

But I can't figure out what to name the darn thing. Something... witty and clever and cute.

Any of you more creative than I and have any suggestions? TIA

Re: Wedding blog names?!

  • Stephie_LynnStephie_Lynn member
    edited December 2011
    Planning On Pennies
  • edited December 2011
    I'm having trouble putting it together, but what about something playing on the inexpensive and Austin... like  "Deep in the Heart, Not Pockets"

    Deep in the Heart= Austin, Texas
    Heart= playing on love/marriage
    Not Pockets= inexpensive

    I can't figure out how to put it into some cute, short title. I'm not entirely sure I'm making sense. It's Friday! Sorry if this is totally pointless, haha.
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