
newlywed research study at UT

Recently married? Getting married soon?

You could earn up to $445 participating in a newlyweds research study at the University of Texas Austin!

We are looking for couples married between September, 2009 and early July, 2010 for which this will be both partners' first marriage, and neither partner has any children when they begin the study.

We contact couples only 5 times, over 2 and 1/2 years.

Visit http://austinmarriageproject.com/potential_participants for more info.

Please call 512-475-7504 or email austinmarriageproject@gmail.com to see if you're eligible.

Re: newlywed research study at UT

  • lleavelllleavell member
    edited December 2011
    FI and I aren't getting married until the end of July.  Could we still participate?

  • lizkeneslizkenes member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Unfortunately we're ending the study by no later than July 31st, meaning that you'd need to be married, have at least one week to fill out a set of at-home questionnaires, and then come to campus for your first interview with us by then. If that is possible, then we'd love to have you participate. Please contact me at 512-475-7504 or austinmarriageproject@gmail.com if you remain intersted. See austinmarriageproject.com for more info.

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