New Jersey - South

thank you notes

I am writing out thank you notes from my shower last Sunday (which was AMAZING btw!!).Should I sign them with just my name or my name and FI's name??

Re: thank you notes

  • edited December 2011
    I wrote them from myself but mentioned FI in them...i.e. John and I can't wait to celebrate with you at our wedding or John and I love the food processor but I signed them just from me.
  • edited December 2011
    ok, good!  That is what I am doing.  I wrote out about 6 and then realized maybe they should be from both of us?  Thank goodness I can do things like this at work from time to time!  =)
  • edited December 2011
    If the shower was just thrown for you, just sign your name.  I did what Bunchy did though and added DH's name to them.  For wedding thank you's, you can both write them and sign them (which makes it much easier on your hand!)
  • edited December 2011
    I did the same as Emily for my shower.  For the wedding, I did mine and he did his.  Well, actually, I'm not even sure if he ever did his, but he was supposed to...
  • nygirl07nygirl07 member
    edited December 2011
    I just started doing mine too and I feel weird writing the same thing over and over again:)  I keep trying to write something different but they all sound the same with a different gift...UGGHH, I hate writing thank you's...especially b/c I hate my handwriting!!
  • edited December 2011
    I signed from he and I because the gifts are for both of us. 
  • edited December 2011
    I feel the same way NYgirl!  I am trying to write a few every day, maybe I will come up with some fresh ideas other than "thank you so much for the XXX, FI and I are so excited to use it.  Looking forward to spending time with you at the wedding".  I try to personalize them as much as possible but it really is challenging!  Although - I guess it is a great problem that we have, huh?! 
  • edited December 2011
    I signed the shower thank you notes just from me. I think you could do whatever you want really - as Lisa Beth said, the gifts are for both of you. But I think the traditional way is signing with just the bride's name.Definitely set a goal/deadline with your thank you notes. It made the process much easier for me!
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