New Jersey - South

OMG NJ - How Fing awesome is this WEATHER?!

House is all open, cool-ish, non-humid air is blowing in, wind chimes are jingling.....

Ahhhhhhh...if fells like what June should have been! Laughing
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Re: OMG NJ - How Fing awesome is this WEATHER?!

  • kelly1017kelly1017 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree 1000%. All day yesterday I was commenting on how great this weather is and that I'm so happy the humidity is gone. I wish yesterdays weather could be like this all the time. It gets me more excited for the fall and that cool, crisp air!!!
  • edited December 2011
    omg it's amazing out!  i hope its like this next weekend for my bparty!
    At sea, heading to Lisbon, Portugal Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    it is amazing...........and everyone is going fishing which is great for our business haha!! but seriously...its absolutely gorgeous out!!  I hope my wedding day is just this perfect!!
    BabyFruit Ticker photo dip1004.jpg
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