I'm not too sure if this is the right place to post but I need to vent...
I'll try to make this as short as possible!
My fiance works in the hotel industry and is a Food and Beverage Manager works all sorts of hours (which I am already used to) About a year ago they hired a girl to work the front desk. My fiance being the nice person that he is introduced himself to her and if she ever had any questions to ask (he does this for all new co-workers) again I did not have a problem with this until he told me that she had called and asked if he could go apartment hunting with her and her friend as they would like to live near the hotel. He said he would and went with them (which I was ok with once again since I thought this was going to be a one time deal) Boy was I wrong...she had been calling him for many of other reasons as well.
I told him that I did not like the fact that she had called him asking to go apartment hunting with her and callng him for other favors as well and that I think she likes him. He told me not to worry and that she is just a co-worker trying to get settled in NJ and he would tell her not to contact him unless it was strictly work related.
A few months ago as we were narrowing down our wedding list he tells me that I was right about her and that she does like him, but he does not like her and that I am the one he is interested in. To make things worse, he had also told me a couple of months ago that there are rumors going around the hotel that my fiance and her are seeing each other...which I know are not true..(my fiance has never cheated on me nor has he cheated in past relationships...)...That's when things started to annoy me...So ast week he had told me that she applied to a position located in Connecticut ( which I thought was good news for me) Later on he tells me that he got a phone call from a person he knows who works at a hotel in Connecticut and a position had opened up and to apply if he was interested ( annoyed even more) I kept my mouth shut and didn't say anything until yesterday. She had called him and told him that she had gotten the job and that she will be taking it...I at this point was upset and did not talk to him until we had left to go to dinner with his friends...
I told him I want to call her and tell her to stop texting/calling my fiance unless it is strictly work related...
Am I over-reacting? What should I do?
I've already spoken to him about it and he says I have nothing to worry about and that if he was interested in any other woman he wouldn't have asked me to marry him.