New Jersey - South

Bella Pictures Customer Service SUCKS!

Ladies, if you are looking for a photography company, DO NOT go with Bella Pictures!!!  They are only good at making sure you get the emails to pay for your pictures.  They charge up the ying yang for very little.  I bought a package, that supposedly gave me the prints on a cd, a wedding album, and a couple credits for prints.  

My photographer was wonderful.  Very nice, easy to get along with and took great pictures.  

The customer service was NOT great at all!  I was under the impression that I was getting a 9x12 (30 page) photo book... Im getting a 9x9 (20 page) photo book and its taking a month just to have the pictures uploaded to the internet and an additional 2-3 weeks for the pictures to be sent on a disc to my house.  

When I called to find out what the status of my pictures was, they told me the time it would take for them to get to me and if I wanted the bigger album, I'd have to pay for it.  When I was already told that I had it in my package.  

This company is a big bunch of bullshit, and I'd highly recommend looking into a different one. 

Re: Bella Pictures Customer Service SUCKS!

  • edited December 2011
    I've heard things about bella pictures before.  Mostly that their photographers are a hit or a miss.  Luckily you had a good photographer, sorry your having so much problems with their follow up. 
  • edited December 2011
    I decided to not go with them, and they still email and call me CONSTANTLY...  one year later!  Seriously, it is borderline harassment.  Don't even email them for an inquiry!
  • angel33284angel33284 member
    edited December 2011
    Not that I'm a fan of Bella Pictures, but your wedding was only two weeks ago. And I'd say that 2-3 weeks to get your images on a CD is actually pretty fast. You have to keep in mind that they have to sort thru a thousand pictures or so, plus they probably want to edit them to make them more presentable.
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with angel that a few weeks is completely normal and reasonable to get the web gallery up, and a few more weeks for the CD is normal too.  You have to remember that you are not their only client, and for each client, they have to do all of the same work.

    Shouldn't the size/pages of your album be outlined in the contract you signed?

  • delia5588delia5588 member
    edited December 2011
    Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time with your photographer! No fun.

    Didn't you have a signed contract that listed what was included in the price??
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