New Jersey - South

seeing your groom before the ceremony..thoughts?

What is the reason behind not seeing the bride/groom before the ceremony? (other than tradition and bad luck)..We are having our ceremony and reception at the same place, and are thinking about doing the wedding party pics before the ceremony, buy my FI isnt sure if he wants to see me beforehand. The places that we are looking at don't have pretty outdoor places to take pictures and we didnt really want to leave to get pictures done during the coctail hour, so just wondering what your thoughts were..

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Re: seeing your groom before the ceremony..thoughts?

  • teacup0618teacup0618 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011

    What is the reason behind not seeing the bride/groom before the ceremony? (other than tradition and bad luck)..We are having our ceremony and reception at the same place, and are thinking about doing the wedding party pics before the ceremony, buy my FI isnt sure if he wants to see me beforehand. The places that we are looking at don't have pretty outdoor places to take pictures and we didnt really want to leave to get pictures done during the coctail hour, so just wondering what your thoughts were..

    Photobucket Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • jayme707jayme707 member
    edited December 2011

    My fiance and I are planning to see each other before the wedding... In the very beginning I was hesitant because it's not traditional, but the more I thought about it, I really feel like I will be able to enjoy the day so much more without the pressure of having to squeeze pictures in between the ceremony and reception (we're doing everything in one place as well).  It seems like a lot of photographers prefer it this way because they have more time also.  We will still have a "reveal" or "first look" (or whatever you want to call it) where he'll see me for the first time, and the photographer and videographer will be there, it just won't be in front of all of our guests... and I'm really excited that I will actually get to be at cocktail hour!  :)

  • edited December 2011
    This is still an on-going battle with fi an I. I say let's do a reveal prior to the ceremony so we can enjoy the cocktail hour. However, he is very traditional and wants to wait until the doors of the church open to see me. I'm still trying to think of a way to remain traditional, take pictures and STILL make it to our cocktail hour.

    But, in regards to your question, if the both of you can come up with a solution or decision, go with it. Don't allow "tradition" to stand in the way.
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  • kelly1017kelly1017 member
    edited December 2011
    I wanted to see my fiance before the ceremony because it seemed so much easier for pictures but his mom thought it was a crazy idea and that it took away from the tradition of the "reveal". Then I got his thoughts and thought that I was crazy for wanting to see him before the ceremony. I am actually relieved that he feels this way because I want him to be in shock when he sees me walk down the sand in my dress. Even though our reception is right after the ceremony, I'm okay with missing that little bit of time to take pics. The surprise element is more important to me and our photographer said he will make sure to get through pictures as quickly as possible.
  • SJGirl0811SJGirl0811 member
    edited December 2011
    We're going to see each other before.  I thought about tradition too, but the fact is we've lived with each other for almost two years, and we're not getting married for over a year from now.  We are having our wedding at all one place as well and we don't want to miss the cocktail hour to get pictures, so we'll do all of that before the ceremony.  The first time we see each other that day will be special, it just won't be when I'm coming down the aisle.
  • preciousa721preciousa721 member
    edited December 2011
    We are having our wedding at one place also but we are waiting to see each other until I walk down the aisle.  I just love the idea of him seeing me for the first time at that moment.  He really likes the "traditional" way also.  I do not think there is anything wrong with seeing eachother beforehand, in fact, it will really make things much easier.  Do whatever feels right for the two of you and don't worry about what tradition says or anyone else for that matter. Good Luck!
  • edited December 2011
    We are seeing each other before the ceremony as well.  We want to be able to enjoy our cocktail hour and not be stressed.  But, I also agree with the element of surprise by your FI not seeing you until you walk down the aisle.  You really have to do what works best for you and and your FI!  Good luck making your decision!
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  • edited December 2011
    Lets try this again... I posted a message but it obviously disappeared!

    We are waiting until the ceremony to see each other.  Not so much for tradition, but because we want to have that *moment* when I walk down the aisle and we see each other for the first time.  We are doing some pics separated with our bridal party attendants and parents before the ceremony, which leaves just group pics and bride/groom pics to take during the cocktail hour. I dont mind missing the cocktail hour, and I hope to release the rest of the bridal party 1/2 way though so they can enjoy the food and drinks while we take couple pics.
  • edited December 2011
    We are also waiting to see each other. Not really for traditional or superstitious reason but for that one moment we will never be able to recreate or ever get back. We are so excited about the doors to our church opening up and us seeing each other for the first time. Then again our ceremony and reception are not at the same place and we have a good amount of time in between for pictures.
    If it's something that both of you agree on and don't mind seeing each other before, then go for it. It should really be what you and your FI want. I wouldn't worry about what someone else thinks. A lot of times those that have strong opinions are stuck in the way things were done back in the day. A lot of people see each before, if it helps make your day flow better and you will enjoy it more then I say do it!
  • edited December 2011
    We are seeing each other. One of the main reasons we picked our place was because the cocktail hour is in a wine cellar. We dont want to miss it, and we dont want to make our family and bridal party miss it either. So we are going to do the whole reveal thing before hand and not have to worry about time and missing out on the wedding WE are paying for.
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  • edited December 2011
    If you want to take pictures beforehand, but dont want to see each other, here is the idea that i have.  We are going to take all the seperate pictures before hand.  Than the only thing we will have to do is a few posed pics with each other and the family pictures.  We  are having our ceremony and reception at the same place, and are hoping to get to some of our cocktail hour but no biggie if we cant.  We are lucky our picture location also at the same place. 

    Like the PP's I want that wow moment when I walk down the aisle!!!  Do what you want...there is no right or wrong way do what you both want!!!
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  • teacup0618teacup0618 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011

    Thanks for the advice girls! Still not sure what were going to do. Pictures are very important to me, and i would like to get to enjoy the coctail hour too, so i am sort of leaning in that direction of seeing him before. Plus, Im very emotional so if we see each other before that would get some of the tears out of the way before the ceremony, haha. I didnt realize that so many people did the pics beforehand, so that makes me feel better about it :)

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  • lmparlettlmparlett member
    edited December 2011
    I kind of like the idea of a first meet.  FI and I are kind of private, and part of me thinks that that "moment" might be more natural between us, if it's not in front of everyone!  That being said, I still don't know what we're doing! : )
    Photobucket Visit Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    My DH was dead set on not seeing each other before the ceremony. He wanted that big reveal when the church doors opening. I kind of wanted it to but I thought the big reveal could have been duplicated in other ways prior to the ceremony. In the end, it worked out since our ceremony location and reception location were 30 miles away from each other, we had the time to take pictures and still make it to the cocktail hour.
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  • edited December 2011
    The moment I look forward to the most on our wedding day is that first time we see each other - at the ceremony.  That time when the church doors open is something I've waited my whole life for!  We are obviously not doing a reveal prior.
  • delia5588delia5588 member
    edited December 2011
    Do whatever feels right for the two of you!

    We're not very "traditional" and it feels right for us to have a "reveal" before the actual ceremony. We're also getting married on location (we don't want to miss anything!) and I feel like it will take a lot of the pressure off of things. I don't know why, but I am so nervous about walking down the isle. And seeing/hugging/holding one another beforehand, feels comforting.

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