New Jersey - South

Macy's registry

For those that are thinking about registaring a Macy's I've had several problems with them.  I had a number of items that wer double purchased (toaster, corning ware, skillet, shower curtain, towel, and I can keep going...).  When returning, if you don't have your registry with you, the cashier is not able to bring up your registry on his registar and they won't be able to take it back for what the person bought it for.  You actually have to print your registry first and then bring it over.  If your dealing with a new cashier - good luck.  I spent over 45 minutes in quakerbridge mall trying to return.  I then went to East Brunswick mall on a seperate occasion and it took just as long.  I'm already married but I would not use macy's again if I had the choice.

Re: Macy's registry

  • Northstar1808Northstar1808 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I've never had a problem with Macy's registry. Maybe it was just the cashier that you were dealing with? A lot of other girls have had problem with Bed Bath and Beyond and I haven't had problems with them either.

    Personally I like Macy's registry because of their rewards program.
  • edited December 2011
    Ah, rewards program... I need to check on mine to see what kind of kickback I'm getting!
  • edited December 2011
    I absolutely LOATHE Macys lol.  I have refused to shop in that store for almost a year now.  I wouldnt register there if it was the last store on earth...i would rather register at would get better service.

    I refuse to buy anything in Macys we go to Nordstrom instead and always have wonderful service....
    BabyFruit Ticker photo dip1004.jpg
  • edited December 2011
    I love my Macys registry.  We had a decanter shipped to us as a gift and UPS dropped it and it broke.  I took it back to the store (I did have the shipping label) and it took less than 5 minutes for them to get it scheduled to ship me a brand new one.  The second one arrived in perfect condition.  I've actually had quite a few things purchased off my Macy's registry already and I haven't had any issues.
  • edited December 2011
    i love Macy's too.. I'm a black card holder hehehe.. they have the best sales and coupons. 

    not trying to insult your guests, but did they mention that the items were off of a registry?

    Thus far I've have Zero problems with my registries (C&B, Macy's and BBB)... and I've had a ton of stuff purchased off of Macy's and BBB, my guests aren't Crate and Barrel friendly I guess...
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