New Jersey - South

Jack Baker Lobster Shanty Point Pleasant Reviews?

Hi I am newly engaged and looking for any positive or negative feedback on the reception venue I just booked, the Sunset Ballroom at Jack Baker's Lobster Shanty in Point Pleasant.  I am mostly worried about the food if someone has attended or held their wedding there.  Any information on the staff, decoration restricitions and choice of cokctail hour locations would be appreciated!

Also, anyone have ideas for decent hotels around Point Pleasant or Spring Lake, NJ?


Re: Jack Baker Lobster Shanty Point Pleasant Reviews?

  • MrsCarlisMrsCarlis member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Went to a baby shower at the Shanty and it was beautiful. Food was delicious and gorgeous view of the water. An ex-coworker of mine works there and she loves it there. I think they do a very nice job. I'm from Brick but just moved to the other side of the state to Riverside. For hotels, book in advance because they fill up fast. I don't have any specific hotel reccomendations though. I hope this info helps somewhat!
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