New Jersey - South

Venues near Atlantic City...

Okay.. so my parents are actively looking for a reception place... and its not going well... 
- We have looked at Blue Heron Pines... they didnt like the look of it.  Loved the menu though. 
- Harbor Pines they heard has bad food but they liked the look of it. 
- Linwood Country club is booked on our date already.
- Seaview wont put us in the main ballroom cause we only have around 150people.. so my parents dont want to go there now. 

I'm going to look at mayslanding Country club today after work... but i hear its old and just ok with the food.. so i'm prob not gonna like it. 

I'm asking for any recommendations for a reception place with good food and somewhat modern looking... no more than 25mins from the Atlantic City area???
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Re: Venues near Atlantic City...

  • jayme707jayme707 member
    edited December 2011
    The Carriage House in Galloway is really nice :)
  • edited December 2011
    The carriage house is nice, definitely check them out.

    Do you not want to be in the city?  If it doesnt matter, we're getting married at the sheraton in ac, which their food is fantastic and I LOVE the coordinator we got assigned.  Actually, everyone has been fantastic!

    we also looked at the chelsea, which has a really cool retro vibe.  you can also try atlantic city country club, which i've heard mixed things about.
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  • edited December 2011
    how about rams head inn? i've never been there, but heards its really nice- theres also smithville inn, too-- but i think i heard thats kind of small, not sure though...
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with Carriage House and Ram's Head.

    You can try the Sugar Hill Inn (Mays Landing), Inlet (Somers Point), Tomasello Winery (Hammonton) and One Atlantic (Caesars AC).
  • edited December 2011

    Well we are having our reception in the Bayview Ballroom at Seaview, and I actually like it better than the Presidential Ballroom...It is kinda set off all by itself...Just my opinion...I wouldnt have chosen Seaview if I had to have it in the Presidential Ballroom...its in the middle of everything..

    Rams Head Inn is beautiful also...

    Good luck!

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  • jayme707jayme707 member
    edited December 2011
    Just an FYI on Rams Head, they have a good reputation but they've had major changes in management in the last couple years and I'm not sure it's really the same quality it used to be.  (My fiance used to be the private dining manager there, so that's just our opinion)... I also don't know that I would consider it modern at all.

    My brother just had his wedding at Greate Bay country club in Somers Point.  The food was really good and it was really nice if you like the country club/ golf course feel  
  • teacup0618teacup0618 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I agree with the Carriage House in Galloway. Very nice place! Havent seen any of the others reccommended, but Carriage House was one at the top of our list. GL!
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  • sas0402sas0402 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks everyone for suggestions... so we have been looking around and calling these places you suggested...

    carriage house - booked already on my date
    linwood country club - booked already

    i went to atlantic city country club... last week the date is still open... but i have mixed feelings about going there... dunno why...

    We called Sheraton... they are sending us info... what type of food has everyone had there?

    Rams head inn.. might be too small for 150 people... dunno...

    I drove down to see Sand Barren country club... it was cute... looked kinda small though... any been there for a wedding for 150 people?

    I'm kinda nervous now... all my top choices are already booked...  any suggestions?

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