New Jersey - South

Venue Help

I'm looking for a bed and breakfast type venue near a beach where we could have ceremony on the beach.  We're looking at about 50-75 guests...any suggestions?

Re: Venue Help

  • edited December 2011
    try cape may area....rams head inn is beautiful but not bed and breakfasty....smithville inn also cozy and beautiful!!
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  • edited December 2011
    we are having our wedding at the sea shell beach resort in LBI, nj.  great place, they have their own private beach for you to get married on, the food is great, and the price is also very reasonable.   i think they have a minimum of 125 people.... so maybe if you decide on more people, this would be a great place for you to check out. 
  • edited December 2011
    Try The Gables in Long Beach Island.  It's a very pretty B&B and it's a good size for 50-75 people.  Good Luck!
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