North Dakota

HELP!! Wedding in Fordville, ND!

Hello my name is Katie I'm from Michigan but my fiancé is from Fordville, ND. Fordville is where we will be having our wedding next summer and i'm trying to plan it from Michigan right now. It's going to be A hunting themed wedding but a classy hunting themed wedding... I like to emphasis that because i'm not looking for a redneck hunting themed wedding. Im looking for an unique ideas for wedding venues from Fordville or somewhere very close to there. I know theres a ton of places in Grand Forks but he wants to stay close to his home town so we have more of a guest turn out. Also looking for any sorts of know vendors to the area. I know I'll probably be getting most of wedding things from Grand Forks area and I know there's the Fordville dam and the VFW hall but everyone in Fordville who gets married there uses these two places, I'm looking for something different. ANY suggestions would be helpful because I'm not getting to many more suggestions from him except these two places. THANK YOU!!
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