Military Brides

Late Night Sewing

So I don't know if I  am the only one that has done this but, I've been sewing the patches on his Class A's. All by hand mind you and I can't match the thread to the patches no matter how hard I try. I have less than a week to get it done and I have two of the 7 patches done. The green I am using is visible and I am starting to debate doing it over again with black cause it's less noticeable. I am a perfectionist and its starting to really bug me. Who thinks I should redo it?

Re: Late Night Sewing

  • edited December 2011
    I would check with him and make sure that there isn't a regulation on that sort of thing. I know there is for what color the patches, name tapes, and warfare devices are sewn on with. Good Luck!!
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  • meltoinemeltoine member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Honestly, I'm a pretty good seamstress and I don't even mess with that stuff. I tried when DH bought new flight suits when we were first together, but the frustration was so not worth it. I didn't want to be responsible for something not being right.

    Just take it to the ladies at the dry cleaner on base. It's not expensive at all and they do it all day everyday. You can problem have them done in 48 hours. 
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  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0576b2a4-872e-4d09-af0c-a05942aeb532Post:45982e74-0e4b-45ed-8d0b-34f080576747">Re: Late Night Sewing</a>:
    [QUOTE]Honestly, I'm a pretty good seamstress and I don't even mess with that stuff. I tried when DH bought new flight suits when we were first together, but the frustration was so not worth it. I didn't want to be responsible for something not being right. Just take it to the ladies at the dry cleaner on base. It's not expensive at all and they do it all day everyday. You can problem have them done in 48 hours. 
    Posted by meltoine[/QUOTE]

    Ditto this.  Except for my being a good seamstress.  I don't even attempt to touch H's uniforms.  He is really particular about everything, but even he doesn't attempt to do any of it.  Just take it to the base if you are near one.  If not, try a seamstress.  We actually had a last minute emergency sewing we needed once and weren't near where he usually goes.  We called a bridal seamstress and she sewed it for him and refused to take any money because it was military.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    My BF won't even let me pick off the IP's (little strings or fabric nubs that need to be cut off).  Even though I've got a good hand with a needle and thread, he wouldn't let me within 5 feet of his uniform.

    Ditto the above.  Take it to either the base drycleaners and have them do it, or a bridal/expert tailor.  Military experiences is best - the technical requirements on all those little details is ridiculously specific sometimes.



  • edited December 2011
    I know the specifics are crazy! It took me 4 hours to get the patches pinned on!  
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Late Night Sewing</a>:
    [QUOTE]I know the specifics are crazy! It took me 4 hours to get the patches pinned on!  
    Posted by DollBaby052510[/QUOTE]

    Wow... that's dedication!  I hope he appreciates that.

    Seriously, save yourself the headache - it'll only cost a few bucks at the PX, and infinitely less stress.



  • edited December 2011
    Well he told me it would mean the world to him if I did it. I love him with all my heart and soul so I decided to do it for him. His service strips have to be 4 inches above the  cuff and at a 45 degree angle. WTF that is insane! 
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0576b2a4-872e-4d09-af0c-a05942aeb532Post:6e9cd5b1-dea3-416b-97bf-8912bb9c241c">Re: Late Night Sewing</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well he told me it would mean the world to him if I did it. I love him with all my heart and soul so I decided to do it for him. His service strips have to be 4 inches above the  cuff and at a 45 degree angle. WTF that is insane! 
    Posted by DollBaby052510[/QUOTE]

    Haha, ask him what it would mean to him if he got in trouble for you doing it wrong.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Please tell me that is the right place. I'd rather not mess up his uniform.
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Oh I have no idea.  My H is Navy.  I just was responding to the part that you said he told you it would mean the world to him if you did it.  I have no idea if thats the right spot.  If I were attempting to do it, the chances are 99% in favor of me screwing it up, so I would never attempt to do it.  H knows I'm no Suzie- homemaker, and is perfectly fine with that.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    If SO told me it would mean the world to him for me to spend 4 hours pinning on patches, I would wonder why my time wasn't more valuable to him.

    I love SO with 'all my heart' I suppose, and I would take it to a seamstress/tailor. The end result is the same (well, my wager is that the end result with a tailor would be superior and within regs, not that I'm maligning your sewing skill), and you're both guaranteed it's done right, and you are saved a big headache.

    You do not have to do stuff like this to be a good military spouse, I swear. You're supportive of him and his career, that's what should mean the world to him.
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  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Late Night Sewing</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well he told me it would mean the world to him if I did it. I love him with all my heart and soul so I decided to do it for him. His service strips have to be 4 inches above the  cuff and at a 45 degree angle. WTF that is insane! 
    Posted by DollBaby052510[/QUOTE]

    That's super sweet!  What a romantic you've got!

    Still, he probably didn't realize it would take so much of your time.  Perhaps you could let him know you sewed on those 4 patches, but that it's taking a lot of time and you want to make sure it's done right, so would it be okay if a professional did the rest?

    I'm sure it's the thought that counts here.



  • edited December 2011
    I'm a seamstress in my spare time and I don't touch the patches/name tapes/etc.  I have hemmed uniforms and taken them in, which all comes out fine, but the placing for everything else is so specific that I refuse to do it.  I'd reccomend avoiding the sewing if you can.  I've been making clothes for 15 years and I'm still uneasy when I have to alter a uniform. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011

    It's not insane. It's the military. I work in a uniform every day, I find that kind of disrespectful for you to say. If you're not willing to look up the regulations to make sure it's perfect, then don't do it. Take it to the dry cleaners like everyone else has said, and just be done with it. It's sweet and all what your FI said, but How is he going to feel when thats the hit he gets on an inspection. My FI wouldn't let me touch his uniforms, and I won't let him do anything to mine except help me with my cover (cause I like the way the Marine cami covers look, and the Navy ones in comparison are just sloppy, so He taught me how to do my cover just like he does). Uniforms are a personal thing. It's a point of pride for me, and I am in no way a "lifer" I will do my 4 years and get out, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go around and look like a dirt bag with my uniforms all jacked up. People live and die by these uniforms. Don't say things about our regulations. Take them to the cleaners, that way you know it's right.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I have a little pocket book called Look Sharp! U.S. Army Uniform Guide. It has all the regulations in it for males/females, officers/enlisted. It also has pictures and a little ruler. If you really want to sew everything yourself, I'd suggest getting a copy of that. I ordered it from AAFES, but I bet they have it in clothing & sales. If you don't care to see the pictures and diagrams, you can just read Army Regulation 670-1 (though it is a 362 page PDF file, so I'd really recommend the book), which specifies exactly how each uniform should be worn and tells you where everything should be. Both my fiance and I have everything sewn on by the people at the dry cleaners on post. They are great and know exactly where everything needs to be. It's really inexpensive. I always double check everything with the book, just in case, because as other posters have pointed out, uniforms are a big deal.
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