Military Brides

QOTD 8/26

Hi ladies!  Katelyn seems to be busy this morning, so I thought I'd just jump in to get the day's conversations started.

What is one irrational fear or phobia that you have?  How long have you had it?  Any funny stories about it?

What is one irrational fear or phobia that your BF/FI/DH has?



Re: QOTD 8/26

  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    I have major anxiety so I have a fear of everything :-)

    Just kidding but I am VERY scared of the ocean. I hate not being able to see what is around me. I normally won't go in but if H convinces me, I hold on to him the whole time and I don't touch the ground. I've been like this since I was a little girl.

    I also am so scared I will be attacked in a public restroom. When I'm in there alone, I think someone will come in. If there is one other person, I'm convinced they are going to attack me. I have NO idea why I think this but I will go in and out as fast as possible.

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'm afraid of organizing.  Don't laugh, I'm serious!  I get physically nauseous at the idea of having to organize.  I just don't know how to sort things - if you gave me a bunch of colored blocks in different shapes, I'd get so confused.  Do I organize by round vs. angular?  But then I can't keep yellows and greens together, but orange and yellow are kind of similar so maybe they can go in a pile?  No wait, anything with 3 corners instead of 4 needs its own pile.  But then I can't have blue & red together.  See my point?  I end up flustered and overwhelmed!

    FI is afraid of bugs, though he'll never admit it.  Whenever we have a bug in the house, he'll call me to come kill it.  No squealing or anything embarrassing, just that he'd rather ask me to kill it and I don't mind.  When we had termites last year and the wings were EVERYWHERE, he would freak out when I was trying to sweep them up and they were flying around in the air, so he'd have to go outside while I finished cleaning it up.  For months after (and yeah, still today to some extent) he insists on rinsing out every single pot, pan, bowl, cup, plate, glass, or piece of silverware that was in the drawers before he uses it just in case it has termite wings on it, or if a bug walked over it or something.

    FI also is afraid of seaweed!  He won't go in the ocean if there are bits of seaweed floating around.  He likes going out on our friend's boat because usually when we go swimming, there's no seaweed.



  • YoungDuoYoungDuo member
    edited December 2011
    I'm terrified of spiders. I've been afraid of them for as long as I can remember. I cannot kill them because I don't want to be close enough to them to kill them. Growing up my brother would kill them for me..FI knows of this fear and thinks it's hilarious, but he will kill them for me :) When I was 18, I was watching the movie Eight Legged Freaks with my boyfriend at the time and literally cried the entire time. He thought it as hilarious..I had nightmares for like a week after.

    FI is afraid of heights. It's not to the point where he won't fly or anything but he won't look down and he doesn't go up if it isn't necessary.
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  • KendallR10KendallR10 member
    edited December 2011
    Mine is being in a car with no back doors and be caught in it and the car blowing up. like after an accident. 

    Idk FI's. Maybe this wedding
    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
  • Sammy0709Sammy0709 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    All of DHs fears are pretty rational: poisonous spiders, predatory animals, etc. It's what he's not afraid of that's irrational. Not scared when he goes to Afghanistan to get shot at...yeah. I'm afraid of clowns for no particular reason other than I think they are creepy. I know they won't hurt me but there is something so strange about them. I haven't even seen IT. I'm also afraid of being in a house alone. That started in high school. It wasn't so bad when I got my apartment in college but I think it was the thought of other people being in the same building that made me feel better. When DH went to train with the Green Berets for 2 weeks I was triple checking the locks. And now like 2 weeks ago someone broke in while we weren't home and stole one item. They had a bag of electronics DH had in the living room to pack for a deployment that has since been cancelled and didnt take it. Thats how we knew someone had been there so the idea of me not being safe is more real. Maybe my irrational fear is now rationalized? Anyway, I'm essentially over the break in now. Hopefully it doesn't affect me on DH's next deployment.
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  • edited December 2011
    Um it's only 9:30 I just woke up and said yesterday I had one for today but ok
  • edited December 2011
    I'm totally afraid of spiders, but it's not irrational at all since I've been bitten by a black widow ANNND a brown recluse.  I can spot them anywhere and I will keep my eyes on it until someone kills it..

    I'm terrified of clowns, since my 3rd birthday.  My parents hired a clown and he kept picking me up and trying to hold me (I didn't let anyone but my Mom, Dad, and Sister hold me), I thought he was trying to kidnap me.  And then he told me to squeeze his nose and I didn't want to and my sister put her hand over mine and we squeezed his nose like together (I don't know if I'm explaining that well..) and it came off and since his face was painted all white, I thought we'd really pulled his nose off and it was all pretty traumatic... My parents ended up paying him extra and asking him to leave. Last week someone came into the gym dressed up like a clown and I was going in to get my check and I saw it and made my mom come in with meEmbarassed Even though I knew the lady, it just totally freaked me out..

    I'm pretty sure my H isn't afraid of anything.. he doesn't like snakes or spiders, but he'll kill them or avoid them.  Like Sammy's H, he's not afraid of getting shot at or anything..
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0717219b-02ab-47ef-9223-f3515849c992Post:59293961-c224-442f-a3cc-feebec33c3c7">Re: QOTD 8/26</a>:
    [QUOTE]Um it's only 9:30 I just woke up and said yesterday I had one for today but ok
    Posted by Zimsgirl[/QUOTE]

    Whoa, get over the snottiness.  You don't own this thing, we used to do QOTD ages ago and it was your idea to get it started again, but you seem oddly possessive of it.  As we pointed out yesterday, all your questions thus far have been rather dull. But I was bored and just trying to help get some conversations going.  You're welcome to use your idea tomorrow.

    And for us East Coasters, it's 10:30am.



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: QOTD 8/26</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: QOTD 8/26 : Whoa, get over the snottiness.  You don't own this thing, we used to do QOTD ages ago and it was your idea to get it started again, but you seem oddly possessive of it.  As we pointed out yesterday, all your questions thus far have been rather dull. But I was bored and just trying to help get some conversations going.  You're welcome to use your idea tomorrow. And for us East Coasters, it's 10:30am.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]
    I'm not possessive of it it's just a pet peeve of mine when people agree to something then don't go with it
  • edited December 2011
    I have a serious fear of death/dying. Like I'm really just scared of exactly what happens. I know the whole your spirit goes to heaven/hell type thing... but what does it do there? what is heaven like? what happens? like... it's a serious fear for me. I think its more of the unknown.. but yeah I'm scared of dying.
    Idk what FI's is..
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0717219b-02ab-47ef-9223-f3515849c992Post:17ab3ba0-8fb4-47be-80e7-a397ea0b72b1">Re: QOTD 8/26</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have a serious fear of death/dying. Like I'm really just scared of exactly what happens. I know the whole your spirit goes to heaven/hell type thing... but what does it do there? what is heaven like? what happens? like... it's a serious fear for me. I think its more of the unknown.. but yeah I'm scared of dying. Idk what FI's is..
    Posted by amh04[/QUOTE]
    I also have this fear... death scares the crap outta me. I am also scared of everyone else around me dying... for example: I stayed over FI's house last night, and his gma lives in a casita attached to the house, so she has a door connected to the house. She usually closes it at night when she's going to bed, and this morning, I find it open, when she sleeps in really late all the time. First thought was that something happened last night, and she's just back there, you know, not alive. It's totally irrational, and ridiculous. I told FI to go check when I left for work... but no word yet. UGH.

    FI's fear is not being able to provide for his family/being successful. Which is also pretty irrational.
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I am ridiculously afraid of slugs.  Like I will freak out and scream and jump and/or run away.  When i was in middle school I had a dream of a giant slug (like Godzilla size) chasing me, and ever since then I've been horribly afraid of them.  H just laughs at me because it's such an irrational fear, but it freaks me out.  

    A few weeks ago I was taking the dog for a walk outside after it had rained in the morning and there were slugs all over the sidewalk.  I was staring at the ground and jumping over things and stuff the whole time, and totally knocked my head on a tree branch because I had my head down.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Sammy0709Sammy0709 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Forgot one. I'm seriously afraid of being put on a ventilator, even for a surgery. I don't if it's because I'm a respiratory therapist that it freaks me out or what.
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  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    I have a serious palm-sweating, heart racing fear of throwing up. Not that anyone likes it but the THOUGHT of it makes me sick. Slightly concerned about getting pregnant....not sure how that's going to go. 
  • edited December 2011
    Good question of the day!

    I have horrible anxiety about the car. I have mini panic attacks when I know we have to drive through windy roads or in the snow. I totally freak out and poor FI has to put up with it />_<

    FI has absolutely no irrational fears. The man is built to be calm about everything. Thank goodness for him. (We just talked about this on our road trip.. funny :P )
  • melbelle24melbelle24 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    My biggest fear would have to be roaches. They just disgust me, and I'll admit... I usually scream and shriek when I see one. *shudder*

    FI is terrified of heights. One of the funniest (to me at least) stories he's told me about boot camp was having to rappel down a wall on one of the obstacle courses. He got to the top of the wall and just froze, even with the drill instructors screaming at him, until finally one of them pushed him to get him started going down.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm terrified of spiders.  Always have been.  Can't kill them because that would mean having to get close to one.  Although at the dance studio where I teach sometimes spiders will make an appearance on the floor or wall or something and I have to brave up and kill it.  All the girls freak out and I try to remain calm and act like I'm not terrified.  I've been bitten quite a few times. 

    I'm really terrified of being attacked or kidnapped.  I'm always aware of my surroundings.  If I'm ever alone walking somewhere or walking to my car and something looks sketchy I won't panic but I prepare myself to have to defend myself. 

    FI doesn't really have any fears
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  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Ooooh, DaKelli, I do that, too!  When I'm walking somewhere alone, I'll put all my keys between my fingers in case someone attacks me so when I hit them, I can gauge them.  It's a self-defence tactic I learned a long time ago and gives me comfort when walking alone at night.

    I always imagine horrible situations - like someone breaking in, or trying to mug me, or being a witness of a crime, or being in a bank when it got robbed or something like that... and I try to imagine ways to deal with that situation!  Is that odd?  I don't know if that counts as a phobia, because it's more recreation for me... when we were kids, my brother and I used to concoct elaborate plans for slaughtering and mutilating any robbers who came in the house.  I think we were rather sadistic kids... those plans usually involved my Dad's power tools, the lawn mower, and a chain saw!!!



  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: QOTD 8/26</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ooooh, DaKelli, I do that, too!  When I'm walking somewhere alone, I'll put all my keys between my fingers in case someone attacks me so when I hit them, I can gauge them.  It's a self-defence tactic I learned a long time ago and gives me comfort when walking alone at night. I always imagine horrible situations - like someone breaking in, or trying to mug me, or being a witness of a crime, or being in a bank when it got robbed or something like that... and I try to imagine ways to deal with that situation!  Is that odd?  I don't know if that counts as a phobia, because it's more recreation for me... when we were kids, my brother and I used to concoct elaborate plans for slaughtering and mutilating any robbers who came in the house.  I think we were rather sadistic kids... those plans usually involved my Dad's power tools, the lawn mower, and a chain saw!!!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I walk with my keys like that too at night, and I have a rape whistle on my keychain that I have stick out too.  With my luck, if I ever had to blow it I would stab myself in the eye with my keys sticking out though.</div><div>
    </div><div>Also I always imagine those situations and plan it out.  And whenever I am at someplace I think about if something were to happen, and what my escape plan or plan of action would be.  I am always very aware of my surroundings, and always looking around.  Supposedly people like us are less likely to be attacked because attackers look for people not paying attention, on their phone, etc, and stay away from those who are aware and prepared.

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sometimes I'll pretend to be on my phone even if no one is on the other line, just so any potential attacker knows I'm not "alone" and that someone knows where I am.  I'll say things like, "Yeah, Mom, I'll be there in 5 minutes, I'm just crossing Smith Street."   It's probably ridiculous, but it makes me feel more in control!



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0717219b-02ab-47ef-9223-f3515849c992Post:03dda3ba-bda5-41f5-8b51-aa41c2c4a85b">Re: QOTD 8/26</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sometimes I'll pretend to be on my phone even if no one is on the other line, just so any potential attacker knows I'm not "alone" and that someone knows where I am.  I'll say things like, "Yeah, Mom, I'll be there in 5 minutes, I'm just crossing Smith Street."   It's probably ridiculous, but it makes me feel more in control!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    I do that.. But I usually feel like it's really obvious that no one's on the other line.  I'll be like "Mom, hold on, I'll be right there!! I know you can't do anything since the stroke, Don't let the cats eat your pills off the floor.  Don't pick them up either, you might tip your wheelchair over and fall.. we can't have that now can we? You're right, I'm not sure what you'd do if anything were to happen to me"... Just to make a potential attacker think twice about attacking me.  I want him to think, "nah, I can't attack her, her mom will call the cops pretty quickly, plus I'd feel bad if the mom fell out of her chair.." 
    FTR, my mom has never had a stroke, and she was only in a wheelchair after her hip replacement.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0717219b-02ab-47ef-9223-f3515849c992Post:155e6a3f-51f2-49e2-a2bd-d5e3ee960a07">Re: QOTD 8/26</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ooooh, DaKelli, I do that, too!  When I'm walking somewhere alone, I'll put all my keys between my fingers in case someone attacks me so when I hit them, I can gauge them.  It's a self-defence tactic I learned a long time ago and gives me comfort when walking alone at night. I always imagine horrible situations - like someone breaking in, or trying to mug me, or being a witness of a crime, or being in a bank when it got robbed or something like that... and I try to imagine ways to deal with that situation!  <strong>Is that odd?</strong>  I don't know if that counts as a phobia, because it's more recreation for me... when we were kids, my brother and I used to concoct elaborate plans for slaughtering and mutilating any robbers who came in the house.  I think we were rather sadistic kids... those plans usually involved my Dad's power tools, the lawn mower, and a chain saw!!!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    That's not odd at all.  That's pretty smart.  All women should do this and always be aware of thier surroundings- day or night.  :)

    As for my phobia- I am terrified of flying.  And it's getting worse as I get older.  It doesn't prevent me from flying, but I am at the point where I have to self-medicate (ie drink lol).  Last year I was sitting next to an elderly man who was paralyzed on the right half of his body from a stroke.  We hit some turbulence and I gasped so loud that he actually reached over with his good arm and placed his hand on mine.  I felt so bad.  And International flights are the worst.  I actually had a panic attack on a flight to Tiapei during take off and immediately took so much night-time cold medicine that I was out within a couple minutes.  I pretty much slept the whole flight.  Unfortunately I've found that when I fly First/Business Class I'm not as freaked out.  It's a very expensive solution. :/  Maybe it's because I don't feel so trapped?  My husband (bless his heart) flew us Business Class on our honeymoon to Italy. 

    My husband doesn't have any weird phobias.
  • edited December 2011
    Mine is water and water under bridges when you have to drive on them! I have no clue why. I shower like a kid, plug my nose, close my eyes, and bend my head as far back as I can and try not to get water on my face to wash my hair There has been twice that I was so fearful of bridges over water I couldn't drive across them. Once was going to Niagara Falls on my honeymoon, and another was in Baltimore, that was the worst! Traffic was at a stand still creeping along, and every time a semi truck would move you could feel the bridge move! At least in Louisiana they were "flat" bridges for the most part, you didn't have to to up or down an incline so that was sorta "ok"

    I had to get used to anole lizzards that took some time but I had to, to be able to live in Louisiana. I have people laughing so hard when I tell them about the first time I encountered one. I laugh just thinking about it.

    Mr. Wonderful's fear? Me!Kiss well some days, actually this whole week come to think about it.

    GG-Slugs! I LOVE them! only because I like to put salt on them and watch them melt, gross I know.

    First-I am sorta like that too! I am a horrible back seat driver and just to keep me shut, not being white knuckled and not jumping I have to drive,

    Mel, Sami& Dekell-get a anole lizzard for the roached and spiders Laughing
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