Hey there everyone!
Ask you know we adopted a pooch named Ike. He's great. We love him.
The one problem is potty training. He must have had a doggie door in his foster so now he CANNOT hold it. He is great about going outside if we leave our sliding glass door open but if it isn't open, he'll pee on the floor in front of the door.
We pay attention to him but he is sneaky and can get down there. SO I think he is potty trained (because he does go to the door) but it's ALL THE TIME. Like anytime he has the feeling of having to pee, he heads down there.
We have been keeping the door open. We don't want to crate because Geno hurts himself in the crate so we don't want to JUST crate Ike. We COULD get an insert for our sliding glass door tht has a doggie door but we will be PCSing in Jan.
Any advice??