I have been reading through the boards about setting a date and making sure there is a military clause but have a different type of question. I recently got engaged to a Navy SWO. In that past 4 months his underway schedule has already changed 4 times (and I'm sure more to come, not complaining- I knew what I was getting into when I accepted my ring). We decided to have a Friday night wedding, so at least we would save some $ and also feel like if we needed to change the date it would be easier to do. But, I guess I am wondering if its even worth booking a reception location at this point, or just waiting until a closer date, since we want to do it on a Friday anyway. We are hoping for May, June, or July 2012 and are not too picky about the exact date as long as it is a Friday... I'm just keeping my fingers crossed they don't schedule a 6 month deployment in the spring! From your experiences, should we go ahead and book a venue now... or wait!?