So we were going to get married in June of 2011 but I enlisted in the AF. I've just sworn in to the delayed deployment and he's trying so hard to be happy for me.
We bumped our wedding up to January and now it's only 29 days away. Everything is coming together for it but it isn't exactly what he wanted. I know he's just happy to marry me but I can't help but feel like I've put a kink in his dream for how he wanted to go about this. He was married once before and they did a fast back yard wedding because she had just enlisted when they met and he thought she was the one. (She was already enlisted when they met) so they had to make it snappy. It was a huuuuuge mistake for him and she was terrible. So this time around he took his time. I wasn't in a rush. I waited for us to be established and sure then accepted his random spur of the moment popping of the question with a hysterically happy yes lol but our idea of the perfect wedding was... very different... and unusual.... I said "Ok lets elope!" and he said... "Uh... no. There is this lovely Catholic church my family used to go to regularly and then this hotel here is really nice for the reception"... I don't like being the center of attention and I'm not into the idea of a huge wedding. We settled on 100 people ceremony and reception in the same place at our local Elks Lodge... is that unfair of me?
I know he wanted the works but I'm leaving anywhere between feb and june and I wanted to have a nice little wedding before I go with my family and a few choice friends. Did I do wrong by him by making him meet me at that level? Should I have given him the big wedding he wanted to make up for his last one?
I really just want to make sure I'm not selling him short...