Military Brides

TRICARE FACTS vs incorrect information being provided to Kendall


Re: TRICARE FACTS vs incorrect information being provided to Kendall

  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: TRICARE FACTS vs incorrect information being provided to Kendall</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think the biggest thing that sucks about tricare is having to use their doctors/dentists. Sorry if I offend anyone but I have had to get tested several times at the doctors, and been misdiagonosed before. And Just had to deal with a TON of dental work all because themilitary dentist could do it right the first time around... pita... ok that's my rant I'm done now. Thanks for posting thing, I'm sure a lot of people will read and appreciate it :)
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    This isn't what was offensive. Especially since I as a dependent am not even offered the chance to see Naval dentists (I would if I could). I have to see civilians on UC. And my copay percentage will be higher that it would be if FI was more junior.

    You already did apologize for being offensive, and you don't need to apologize to me anyway. Despite finding your board personality abrasive, I wasn't talking to you. What was offensive to me was Greene's "I'm convinced military doctors don't know what they're doing". I don't think Green meant to be offensive, but that simply is an offensive thing to say. The Naval doctors that treat her FI have the same MD that any civilian doctor does. I have no problem with you or Green, Green remembers to capitalize Marine Corps, which I dig, but I think you need to realize that the things you're saying in this post are just kind of rude to military medical personnel and their families, and unhelpful.

    Imagine First Timers, if I went on a rant about how military pilots are all tools (which I don't think) and are less skilled than their civilian counterparts. It would be obnoxious and offensive, and would just be rude to you (since your FI is a pilot, like you mention in nearly every post). I wouldn't do that, and not just because I like the Air Wing.

    I hate these kinds of posts that are just stereotypes based on anecdotal evidence.  Ilumine posted helpful info, and it denigrated into "MILITARY DOCTORS SUCK".
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • edited December 2011
    I'm sorry AGAIN that I have offended you.  It's great that you have had such great experiences with military medical personnel.  I've had Tricare for my whole life and almost all of my personal experiences with military doctors were bad.  That's why I feel that way.  Maybe I had a lot of inexperienced doctors that I saw on base but my experiences were rarely positive.

    And just because two doctors have the "same MD" doesn't mean they are of the same skill or experience level.  

    Again like I've said before, yes there are inexperienced civilian doctors, but I can do my research and never step foot in their office now that I have Standard not prime.

    I think everyone really just needs to take a deep breath and take it for how I meant it.  I obviously wasn't ranting on and on about it AND I already apologized to you and anyone else I have offended and explained what I meant.  I don't feel like there is a need to rip apart every single little thing that everyone says.

    I am though entitled to my opinion and that is mine and yes yours differs and that is fine with me.  But seriously, how many times do you want me to apologize.  Let's all stop dwelling on it and move on.  It really isn't something I feel like I need to continue to explain or argue about.
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Green, you didn't need to apologize again. in that post, I was talking to Firsttimers, who said she wouldn't apologize to me. she and I clearly don't care for each other, thanks to this post, where she ragged on the MC.

    I have not had such great expierences with Tricare. I have had decent care. My issue here is with the criticism of service members. I'm not ever going to be comfortable with that sort of criticism. Tricare is pretty much free, and if we don't like it, we have the option of Standard or getting our own.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sooo who wants to help me out then? I have insurance through my job that costs me $9 a month but if I get majorly hurt I will get hit with deductibles, but other than that its good insurance. Do I do the Tricare route?
  • edited December 2011
    I personally LOOOVE TRICARE. I have triprime, since H is AD. They just gave me 2 refund checks from co-pays that my doctor's office asked me to pay, but that I didn't really need to pay. Also! When I was in NC recently, I had gotten a truly henious sunburn. I got a bad infection from my peeling and itching skin, that I swore was chicken pox or shingles, and I called Tricare to see if I could go to a PCM there or something, but the representitive told me to go to an emergency room (I was like.. Nooo that'll be sooo expensive H will kill me), he assured me that it would be covered. I did, and was treated really nicely, didn't pay anything, plus saved $93 dollars on my perscriptions. I think both of my meds together, would have been over $100 dollars, but I paid $10. I cannot tell you how much I LOVEEEEEE Tricare, and especially TriPrime. My IL's also have tricare, and since FIL is retired, they do have co-pays and pay a little bit more, but it's still pretty nice!!

    Also GGirl I pm'd you back!
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I will have to make some decisions then. hmmm.. oh well I got a few months. :)
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    ggirl - if you have the option, do both.  It's always helpful to have a backup insurance, and there's usually no negative (that I've ever heard of anyway).  If one doesn't cover it, the other will.  And at $9/month, it's a cheap investment.



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