Military Brides

Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11

Since the anniversary of 9/11 is coming up... What do you remember about that day? Where were you when you first heard the news? What do you remember thinking/feeling? 

I had just turned 13.  I was in 8th grade, English class, I had a library pass so that I could go check out the latest Harry Potter book.  I was wearing my cheerleading uniform with my hair in french braids with red, white, and blue ribbon tied on the bottom (Those were our school colors).  I remember that I walked up to the check out desk and our librarian and SRO were standing there with tears streaming down their faces and I asked them what was going on, the SRO pointed to the TV and said "A plane just crashed into the World Trade Center", embarrassingly I asked if that was in Raleigh, she said "No, It's in NYC... this is really serious, go tell your teacher and then go to the office and tell Mr. Hall (our Principal)"  I did and my english teacher Mrs. Constantine turned on the TV and cried and let everyone watch it.   Some parents came to pick up kids early, The next day we had an emergency Student Council meeting (I was the president) to organize food & clothes donations, the PTA donated lots of money.  I remember that there were so many rumors about other targets.  One of my classmates aunts died that day.. she was a flight attendant on flight 93.  I'll never forget what my SRO said to me though, before she told me to go to class, she said "Remember this Sami, this is the Kennedy assassination of your generation"  I think this is really true.  My parents both remember exactly what they were wearing and doing when they found out about President Kennedy.

I didn't mean for this to be a downer..  I think that the way our Nation (for the most part) pulled together and showed a tremendous amount of patriotism was inspiring.  Anyone else?

Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11

  • edited December 2011
    I was in 7th grade. I remember it perfectly.. Waking up and literally crawling to the kitchen for breakfast lol... (I'm a goofy kid :P ) and kinda noticing it on the tv but not really paying attention.
    Then suddenly the base was locked down, tanks were rolling through.
     It was kind of a scary time.. We felt really vulnerable being in a different country while something so awful was going on in our home country.
    We didn't know what to expect, but it was obvious that the military was going to do something about it... Then the next few months were about watching it all unravel.
    Over the following year or two we had a WEEKLY assembly in school where the principal and teachers told us how we shouldn't watch the news. In Germany we had the British CNN which doesn't hide the blood, guts, and gore of things like our news stations do. They didn't want us watching the beheadings and awful things that were going on to our parents that were all deployed, since nothing was censored. :/
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    Holy shiit I feel old. I was in college, and my tv was my alarm clock so it turned itself on right after the first plane hit. I was so confused because the Today Show was showing footage of this burning building in NY but not really saying much (obviously they didn't know what had happened)! I texted my roommate and some classes were was just super eerie to be on campus then.

    Being from CT, I knew a lot of people affected--my aunt worked in one of the other WTC buildings and ran to catch the last ferry to New Jersey. It's so strange to think it's been 10 years.....
  • KendallR10KendallR10 member
    edited December 2011
    I was in the 4th grade when it happened. Mrs. Fenn's class. It happened before we got to school. But when we got there they combined the two forth grade classes in to one room and we watched it and talked about what it meant. None of us really understood it. People now still ask me what I think about it. I'm still not sure. 

    I remember seeing on TV the lines of people at the red cross giving blood. I wanted to do it too. My parents wouldn't let me. The weekend after my dad took me to a hospital and I spent the day cheering up sick kids

    My aunt worked in the north tower. She was off work that day

    My mom had to tell my grandparents. My grandparents are super elderly and rarely turn on the TV. My mom called them and asked if they we're okay. They had no idea what was going on. They turned on the tv and my grandma started crying. 
    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    What a good idea for a though provoking topic!

    I think I was in 7th grade. I was homeschooled that year and I remember most mornings my mom watched my 4 year old nephew when my sister went to college. He had just gotten to the house and like most mornings I was in the kitchen making breakfast. I was walking past the living room where he normally watched cartoons, but instead of cartoons on the TV he was fumbling with the remote trying to change the channel. He looked over at me and asked me why the TV was broken and all the channels were playing the same thing. The first tower had just been hit and they were trying to figure out what was going on.  I grabbed the remote from him to change it to something more appropriate for a 4 year old and just then the second tower was hit. At that point I remember spilling hot tea on my foot (weird how you remember those random things). My mom and I turned something on for my nephew and continued to watch it unfold

    I remember the panic that went down after all that. The lines at the gas station, the quiet skies without any planes, and going to band practice that afternoon in a total fog. I was actually supposed to travel to a dog show that weekend but my parents told me I couldn’t go for fear that they might target other cities (but really…middle of nowhere Texas for a dog show?).
  • edited December 2011
    I was in 9th grade.  Sitting in my social studies class.  The teacher had heard about it somehow and flipped the television onto a news station and we were watching it.  Later the school decided that we shouldn't be allowed to watch what was going on so the teachers were asked to turn off their televisions, so I don't really remember seeing a whole lot of footage on it as it was happening.

    At the time I didn't really feel like it was happening.  FI and I watched footage of it a few years ago and I think it hit me more at that time then when it was actually going down.  I guess I was young enough at the time to think that since it didn't happen to our general region it wasn't that big of a deal.  Watching the footage now though it is definitely real to me and hits me.  I can't imagine actually being there.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Holy crud, it's funny how you notice age differences more when you reflect back to school, huh?  FI and I were talking about something the other day and he goes, "I was 9, so you were... 6.  Wow."

    I was in 10th grade.  I was sitting in the common area (a hang out area for students) when the Assistant Dean walked by and told us we had an emergency student assembly, which wasn't that uncommon so I made some joke about how he was all grumpy today.  Then I went to the bathroom before the assembly, and this really annoying girl came running up to me and said, "Did you hear, did you hear, did you hear?!  A plane hit one of the Twin Towers!"  And my first thought was that it was terribly sad, but I immediately compared it to the Concord crash in Paris - a terrible tragedy, but an accident or mechanical failure.  So we went to the assembly, and the head of school started by telling us all that a second plane had just hit the second tower.  And I remember trying to convince myself it was a coincidence, that something had to be going wrong mechanically for them to stear into the tower, then I remember as they said other planes seemed to have been hijacked.  The realization washed over me, and I really think that day I lost some of my childhood.  I think a lot of us did.  We realized someone hated us enough to want to do something like that to us, and the naivite and innocence got crushed under fear and the beginning of comprehension that we weren't actually all that well liked in the world.

    My Mom worked as an administrator at my school (small private school) so I went running over to her office, hoping she'd tell me it wasn't that big of a deal.  And she was sobbing on the phone with her Dad, who hadn't heard from my uncle who was working at the World Trade Center (turns out he was okay, he was actually in the UK traveling for business and couldn't get back for 2 more weeks, but we didn't find that out until the afternoon).  My aunt was a kindergarden teacher in Manhattan, and she had to stay at the school as many of the children's parents couldn't get there right away.  Some never showed up as they had been working in the Towers and didn't make it out.  She stayed at the school for a with those kids.  It was during that time that she found out she was pregnant with her first child.

    I remember that classes were dead.  You could go or not go, some classes had conversations going on, some had the TV, and some were just quiet places to get away from it.  Parents could pick up kids if they wanted, but most of us stayed put as we were practically family anyway being such a small school.  I remember going out on the field in the afternoon and realizing how eerily quiet it was since there were no planes flying overhead.  I don't remember crying, I don't know if I did.  I think I just felt numb and confused.



  • edited December 2011
    I remember this day clearly as it was yesterday:
    I was in 7th grade - in band class  and our teacher came in late and was upset about something or another and pulled up the rolling television and told us what happened. I remember I wasn't sure exactly where the World Trade Towers were but learned they were in NYC. I grew up in Virginia Beach and the scariest part of the day was learning that the Pentagon was hit. I remember every one was pulled out of class that day - I was not. My mom meet me at the bus stop and picked us up, we went and got things for dinner and came home. Traffic was horrible - there are two military bases not even 5 miles from my parents house and when we got home we had a message from my dad on the answering machine - My dad was deployed on the Enterprise during that time and was due home in a month - and the voicemail said "Just wanted you to know I'm safe, I won't be home on time - I don't know when I will be - but I've got some bad guys to take care of. Love you and I will call when I can"

    I think thats when I realized the severity of this - hearing the fear, worry, and anger in my dads voice. I remember we watched TV for the rest of the night and just cried. I think I was still pretty confused on why and how - but it really upset me seeing what occured and what was happening.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    Am I really the old hag around here?? Where is mob when you need her! :)
  • edited December 2011
    Excellent question!

    I was getting ready for work... eww I feel old... I was 19 years old, working as a pre school teacher. I remember waking up and my mom yelling for me to come out of the room and see what was going on. My stomach was turning, I simply could not process what was going on in my head. I didn't want to go to work, I wanted to stay put, safe in my home. I started thinking about Los Angeles, how I thought we were next. Then, I remembered my cousin was on his way to NY that morning for a gig. Holy crap... that was the WORST feeling in the world. Turns out, he was set to be on the plane right after the last one that hit the twin towers I believe... he did not make it to NY, THANK GOD. I went to work, and all of my co-workers were just sick. It was an aweful day. Very few of us were focused on the kids... that upset me, because I knew those kids were scared.

    Irish, you're not alone... I am old(ish) too :)
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE] Irish, you're not alone... I am old(ish) too :)
    Posted by CAB1217[/QUOTE]
    <img src="" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" />
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:1c88dd55-c4a2-4e76-b69f-98a4afab9f6bPost:1057dc9a-644b-4821-ac0d-6f5aaf27c59c">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 :
    Posted by Irishcurls[/QUOTE]

    In fact, I think I am older? EEP!!!!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    Yup. Old hag Irish.
    I'm stickin' to that.
  • edited December 2011
    Good question! FI and I were actually just talking about this over the weekend.

    I was in 8th grade. It happened at the very end of my Spanish class, and that was one of the only classrooms in school that didn't have a TV, so the principal came in and told our class what happened. A couple minutes later, the bell rang and I went to Social Studies. We spent the rest of the day watching the news...I remember some obnoxious and annoying kids messing around in the back (middle school, go figure) and my teacher telling us to pay close attention, because we were witnessing history and 20 years from then people would be asking us where we were when it happened.

    I'm shocked that some schools didn't allow the students to watch the news--we didn't do anything else for the rest of the day, just moved through our classrooms watching the news. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was in New York (state, not city). 
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : In fact, I think I am older? EEP!!!!!!!
    Posted by CAB1217[/QUOTE]
    Yeah, I'm 28.5. Yayyyyy not the haggiest!!!
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yup. Old hag Irish. I'm stickin' to that.
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]
    It just explains my snark. I'm owning it!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : Yeah, I'm 28.5. Yayyyyy not the haggiest!!!
    Posted by Irishcurls[/QUOTE]

    I never thought I'd feel middle aged at 25.75   <img src="" border="0" alt="Tongue out" title="Tongue out" />



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:1c88dd55-c4a2-4e76-b69f-98a4afab9f6bPost:c1fc7651-f286-4002-a88b-e3bb2f6d84da">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : Yeah, I'm 28.5. Yayyyyy not the haggiest!!!
    Posted by Irishcurls[/QUOTE]

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:1c88dd55-c4a2-4e76-b69f-98a4afab9f6bPost:2951fd40-a9e1-4c8e-9700-f8ceb576db5a">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : I never thought I'd feel middle aged at 25.75  
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]
    JUST WAIT until 30 is knocking at your door... that bittch won't go away! UGH! :)
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : I never thought I'd feel middle aged at 25.75  
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]
    This actually made me laugh out loud!!!
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:1c88dd55-c4a2-4e76-b69f-98a4afab9f6bPost:9e2bb5c3-0f57-45fc-8e76-93b424148e25">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]Am I really the old hag around here?? Where is mob when you need her! :)
    Posted by Irishcurls[/QUOTE]

    No way! I think I might win the prize for that one.  HAA!!!  Can you pass the oatmel please? 

    I was in the second year of my first job out of college.  I worked as a college admissions counselor.  I was traveling to a high school to do a college fair when I heard the news.  When we got to the school (I can still remember the HS I was at) we were all told to get in our cars.  They had canceled the college fair for that day and night.  The following morning when we were in our hotel there were tons of NG guys in the lobby. 
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : <strong>No way! I think I might win the prize for that one.  HAA!!!  Can you pass the oatmel please? </strong> I was in the second year of my first job out of college.  I worked as a college admissions counselor.  I was traveling to a high school to do a college fair when I heard the news.  When we got to the school (I can still remember the HS I was at) we were all told to get in our cars.  They had canceled the college fair for that day and night.  The following morning when we were in our hotel there were tons of NG guys in the lobby. 
    Posted by crownsuperstar[/QUOTE]
    Haha ok you win!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : JUST WAIT until 30 is knocking at your door... that bittch won't go away! UGH! :)
    Posted by CAB1217[/QUOTE]

    FI will be 29 when we get married, and will be turning 30 literally right as he starts TBS.  He's freaked about it and I find it hilarious.  I swear I'll be one of those people who goes, "Hey, guess what?  It's my birthday next week!  I'm turning 45!"  I don't think I'll ever lie about my age, I just don't care.  My grandma once told me, "I'm proud of my age.  I've earned those years.  The only reason to ever lie about your age is if you regret how you spent the time."  I try to live by that!



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:1c88dd55-c4a2-4e76-b69f-98a4afab9f6bPost:a590b94a-1f77-4c6c-8106-e6b2f5a0867c">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : FI will be 29 when we get married, and will be turning 30 literally right as he starts TBS.  He's freaked about it and I find it hilarious.  I swear I'll be one of those people who goes, "Hey, guess what?  It's my birthday next week!  I'm turning 45!"  I don't think I'll ever lie about my age, I just don't care.  My grandma once told me, <strong>"I'm proud of my age.  I've earned those years.  The only reason to ever lie about your age is if you regret how you spent the time."</strong>  I try to live by that!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    I love that!  I will have to say that I did tell everyone I was 34 for the past year.  Not because I wanted to be that age but because I really thought that was my age.  I woke the H up in the middle of the night and told him.  His response "I know, is that all?"  I then called my mom.  Her response "I know I was there."  HAAA
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Hey I'm an old one here too. I'll comment on this topic later, but I am going to lay down now since I came home from work early feeling like crap.
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]Am I really the old hag around here?? Where is mob when you need her! :)
    Posted by Irishcurls[/QUOTE]

    I was a senior in high school, so I'm a little bit older. :) I was at my locker before AP English and my friend Khaatim who was in a separate homeroom came up to me at my locker and told me that someone had just crashed a plane into the World Trade Center. Khaatim was never the most reliable on reporting the facts, and I told my friend Patrick what he had said and we both agreed that he was probably exaggerating and it was most likely a prop plane or something. Boy, were we wrong. It was all sort of confirmed once we were in class. We had to go to the library to watch TV news because we didn't have cable in the classrooms. I remember it just being quiet. The teachers cried but all of us wanted to talk about it. Which sucked because we were effectively on silence and prayers the rest of the day.

    I was in a play in a community theater at that time and one of the one-acts we were doing made many references in hijackers. We took those out and the show went on without a hitch. Funnily enough, and this may be TMI, but I can always remember the date i lost my virginity because it was a week to the day after 9/11. I think even on a subconscious level a lot of people were reacting to it. Apparently there were a lot of babies born 9 months later (btw, not to me, in no way was a baby born to me.)
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Thought Provoking Tuesday 9/6/11 : <strong>My grandma once told me, "I'm proud of my age.  I've earned those years.  The only reason to ever lie about your age is if you regret how you spent the time."</strong>  I try to live by that!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    I really like that point of view! 

    FI just turned 30 in May.  I told  him 30 is the new 40 but I don't think he believed me.  He has talked about going to drill sgt school but now that he is 30 he isn't so sure.  I'm sure he'll turn the whole "30 is the new 40" thing in my face when my time comes!
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    So many people while I was typing. At 27.75 I feel pretty happy with it, but God I feel old around some of the military wives on base or at the commissary. I see these girls with a toddler in the cart and a baby on the hip and I want to ask if they're baby-sitting.The first thing we got asked by our new neighbors, who look all of 16 (they're probably in their early 20s, and really nice) was if we had kids. The opposite of that are some of my other friends who still want to act like they're 20 at 28.

    Also-I can't wait to be old, it's a fantastic excuse for everything. "Get off my lawn!"
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    DMB, it's funny you had a play.  I was in a show called "Black Elk Speaks" at school, and they were still in the process of casting.  It was about the bad American soldiers slaughtering innocent American Indians, and it was written for a cast of around 30 people but we only had 12 so each of us was supposed to play multiple roles.  Which meant each of us acted out our death several times each rehearsal.  It got to be too much for a lot of us, so we suggested since he hadn't even cast the show yet that the director choose a new one.  I was the one to voice the suggestion, and he was always a lunatic so he decided to lash out at me.  Told me that if I was such a baby that I couldn't handle it, then I could leave.  So I did.  I planned on never doing another show at that school with that jerk, but luckily he was replaced the following year.  Might have something to do with the outrage that happened after I wrote an article about his insensitivity for the school newsletter... that was sent to all the parents...



  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Cal- yeah, the director called a meeting on the Weds. after and said that he was cutting that one and he asked us if we wanted to cancel, or if anyone wanted to leave, we all said no, it was good to keep busy, especially as most of the cast had friends in NYC. We ended up donating all of the admission money to the Red Cross. I can't believe anyone would have been as brain-dead as your director at that time, especially with students at the school, I mean, mine was totally not school involved and most of the other people were in their 20s and 30s, and they were still way more sensitive.

    I will say that I have told FI that I will not be attending any of the memorial things on base. I'll probably go to church and that's it. The coverage has acutally gotten a bit much for me, I can't just watch a few minutes of CNN and catch up on the news anymore, it's all 9/11 all the time. As a friend of mine said on Facebook:
    All this 9/11 remembrance stuff (especially the articles that started in mid-August) feel rather exploitative to me, aka, a little too similar to the lead up to the royal wedding.
    And that, I think, is what's bothering me. It's like there's no real difference in the coverage.
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    What I remember most about 9/11 and the days that followed (I was a senior in high school, and still had to take a test on Catherine de Medici in AP Euro that AM) was that it wasn't only an American sadness, that others, surprising others, shared our pain. I remember so strikingly that in Beirut, in Damascas, there were candle light vigils. For an attack on the United States. 

    I read a story the other day about Flight 93, and it just reminded me to try to be the kind of person who rushes into danger to save others, like the people who fought back on flight 93, like the public safety officials who rushed into the WTC when it was collapsing. Like the service members who are continuing to fight a continuing, and largely ignored (besides in the shallow, yellow magnet sort of way) battle. 

    I want to be like them, and I want to work my whole life for a world that has people in Beirut, and Damascas, and maybe even Tehran, saying prayers for their brothers in humanity, despite our clear differences.

    That's 9/11's legacy to me. To work harder to be the kind of person, American citizen, and world citizen, that those people who died that day and since would want me to be.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
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