I just want to get this off my chest before I explode and say something I regret to the future family members involved:
You CANNOT, and I repeat for clarity, CANNOT roll up on facebook and demand an invitation to my wedding. Especially when you spell my name wrong, use bad grammar, and don't bother to even check your facts because our wedding is not on the 15th of June in 2012, it's on the 16th. You are classless and tacky and have put me and my future husband in a really ugly situation by blasting our wedding info in a public forum to people we were not planning on inviting. Grow up and stop being a little snot. And it does no good for you to go crying to my FMIL, because she has no say whatsoever in this whole affair and I am not obligated to consult or take her opinion into account on anything, especially the guestlist.
......Ok, sorry. That is what I really want to say to this woman right now, but I'm a firm believer in not saying or doing anything when you're emotionally charged because things usually escalate to a place you never intended them to be. But now I feel better and can re-write this in a calmer manner with a little more class. Thanks for bearing with me. Really appreciate the moment to scream via the internet lol