Military Brides


Have a ton of fun in London! Take 943754897640930958540973 pictures. I want a total recap when you get home! Congrats on the new job. I can't speak for everyone else but for myself. I'm super happy and proud of you.
Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

Re: Calindi

  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Thanks!  I'm already here - finished Day 1 of training.  It seems like it'll be an interesting job - I don't think it's my dream job, but the people seem nice and that's always a huge component of enjoying where you work.  I feel guilty that I'll only be there for 12 months and that they have no idea FI is in the military, but that's best kept close to my chest for my own protection sadly.  Last job fired me because I got engaged to a man in the military (so they thought I'd be planning a wedding, then moving - real nice of them, jerks!).  So I'm keeping it quiet now - I'm telling them I'm engaged, but that we're not planning anything until he's out of law school.  By the time he's done, I'll be just about to quit.

    I won't have any pictures because I can't find my camera and I left my cell phone at home!  I had a big epic moment when I was leaving home - I bug bombed my house just as I was leaving for the airport (we have a flea problem due to a stray cat problem in the neighborhood - they bring them to my lawn, and then the little bastards jump on my pants and shoes and get carried into the house, where they multiply and chow down on my feet).  So I set off the bug bombs, which require you to leave the house for at least 4 hours.  I figured since I was leaving for a week, it was perfect - I called the cab, put all my things outside, set off the bombs and ran out the front door. Only to find that I had left my keys inside!!! I couldn't go back in because I'd die from the poison, and so I went to call my landlord to come over and lock up. Only to realize I also left my cell phone inside (which would have been what I would have used as a camera, if I had it). So I had to borrow the cab driver's phone to call my FI to ask him to call the landlord to have her lock up and then come back on Friday to let me back in!!! Needless to say, it was a lot of stress I didn't need right then.

    Anyway, we were only in London yesterday. We (meaning my new boss and I) arrived at 8am, went through customs and immigration and then took the train into the city and the underground (aka their subway system) to our hotel.  Then showered, grabbed lunch, and my boss has never been to London so I offered to play tour guide since this is my 5th visit.  Where does he want to go first - Tower of London, Big Ben, Parliament, Wesminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park?  Nope, Wimbledon!  So we only had one afternoon in London, and we spent it walking around a tennis club.  Uh... okay?  Anyway, I went out again in the evening by myself, walked around some of the sights, grabbed some delicious Indian food (Miami doesn't have good international food if it isn't from Latin America, and I'm a big Indian food fan!) and then went to sleep.  Woke up this morning, went for a run around Hyde Park which was lovely though rainy, and then showered and caught a train about an hour north of London where the company is located - I'll be here until Friday, when they'll drive us back to the airport at 6am (shoot me) to catch our flight back.  No more sightseeing for me!!!  But delicious food still!  I love me some fish & chips, bangers & mash, and steak & ale pie!  Not to mention delicious beeeeeer!

    My new boss doesn't like any of those foods, he doesn't drink beer, and he doesn't like to sightsee historical places.  He's not my ideal travel companion, and I'm missing FI pretty terribly since he makes traveling so much more fun!



  • KendallR10KendallR10 member
    edited December 2011
    You sound like you are having a TON of fun. I'm sad I won't get to see pictures. But just that discription made it sound amazing. Your boss sounds boring
    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yeah, my boss is a nice guy and I think he'll be a good supervisor to work for.  But as a travel companion, he's pretty lousy.  To be fair, I'm very picky with travel companions.  Most of the time, I'd rather travel alone than even with my closest friends.  I've traveled by myself rather extensively, and enjoy it quite a bit!  There are only a few people who I find it better to have along on trips than traveling alone - one buddy who I traveled with in China, my brother, my brother's girlfriend, my parents, and most of all my FI.  That's how I knew he was right for me - we had only been dating 3-4 months and went on a trip to Costa Rica for a week.  We had no reservations, just flights and a rental car.  It was definitely a make-or-break point in our relationship, and it turned out to be the most amazing trip of my life, so he was in for good after that!

    For me, a good travel companion hates itineraries and loves adventures.  They're willing to go off the beaten path, but have a good sense of what's safe and not safe.  They're not easily stressed and are good at finding their way around unfamiliar places. They're open minded and love different cultures and languages.  They like historical sites, but not spending whole days in a museum when they could be spending it among living people outside in fresh air.  They like to experience things as locals do. They're willing to go out in the evenings, but aren't party animals and value their sleep. Most of all, they love trying different cuisines and drinks!

    My new boss meets exactly none of those requirements. Except that he's not a party animal.  I'm really, really, REALLY missing my FI on this trip since he's all of those things!



  • KendallR10KendallR10 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Calindi</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah, my boss is a nice guy and I think he'll be a good supervisor to work for.  But as a travel companion, he's pretty lousy.  To be fair, I'm very picky with travel companions.  Most of the time, I'd rather travel alone than even with my closest friends.  I've traveled by myself rather extensively, and enjoy it quite a bit!  There are only a few people who I find it better to have along on trips than traveling alone - one buddy who I traveled with in China, my brother, my brother's girlfriend, my parents, and most of all my FI.  That's how I knew he was right for me - we had only been dating 3-4 months and went on a trip to Costa Rica for a week.  We had no reservations, just flights and a rental car.  It was definitely a make-or-break point in our relationship, and it turned out to be the most amazing trip of my life, so he was in for good after that! For me, a good travel companion hates itineraries and loves adventures.  They're willing to go off the beaten path, but have a good sense of what's safe and not safe.  They're not easily stressed and are good at finding their way around unfamiliar places. They're open minded and love different cultures and languages.  They like historical sites, but not spending whole days in a museum when they could be spending it among living people outside in fresh air.  They like to experience things as locals do. They're willing to go out in the evenings, but aren't party animals and value their sleep. Most of all, they love trying different cuisines and drinks! My new boss meets exactly none of those requirements. Except that he's not a party animal.  I'm really, really, REALLY missing my FI on this trip since he's all of those things!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I'd be good to travel with for you. I LOVE new food. and I LOVE hanging out with locals. I don't think in a different country you can get lost. You aren't lost you're on an adventure

    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
  • MLekathLEENMLekathLEEN member
    edited December 2011
    Cate- Stopping by to say congrats on the new job! Sounds like it's amazing so far.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Em!  Hope all is well with you!!!



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