So I'm kind of new to posting on this board but I have a question for all you military brides...
My FI is currently in the National Guard and stationed overseas. He should be home soon (FINALLY!!!!) and we'll need to start thinking about the future. He's half away through his contract and has three years left in the Guard. We've discussed the possibility of him going Active Duty once he gets home but I am so so so nervous about the thought. I don't come from a military family so I don't have any clue as to what all is involved with this type of decision. So I'm asking for some insight, the good and the bad!
I'm worried about where we'd be stationed? Where would I work? Would FI have to go back overseas? Financially is it right for us? What if I want kids some day? I don't want to live thousands of miles away from my family while pregnant. Just all these thoughts run through my mind about whether or not we should do this. And I know that FI and I need to discuss this but I want to hear about it from women who live this everyday. I worked hard to get where I am with my career and I'm not sure I'm ready to give that up...
Just a lot of thoughts going through my head and I couldn't think of a better group to ask then you ladies! Thanks in advance for all the help