Military Brides

Oh, Facebook... (FMIL rears her head, again)- this is long

I know I'm posting a lot, bear with me, in a few days I won't have any reliable internet (staying at Grandma's, she doesn't have a computer/I don't have a laptop) and this just happened. I want to respond in a classy, keeping my head above the fray way, and right now the draft in my messages box is not that.

My FMIL, FFIL, and FBIL can all see my FB wall through FI's. I know I need to close this loophole, but, as I have told FI, I don't friend family members of my own other than my bro and sis, I just think it's weird for your family to have so much knowledge (especially of things that can be mis-read or misunderstood) about parts of your life. So I probably would not friend them. Especially now.

His Mom never comments on the links I leave on my wall to anything funny, political, interesting or is on my list of "things that make me angry." She never comments on my statuses about the dogs or going to movies or enjoying my life in general.

Last night, I was reading a website I frequent on occasion that is called "What Would Tyler Durden Do?", it's a celebrity gossip site, kind of along the lines of D-listed.  I came across this quote: "If you ever hear someone say that money can't buy happiness, you should slap them in their g-d-damned liar mouth." Referring to Catherine Zeta-Jones lounging on a yacht in Portofino. Kinda funny, right? At least it was to me, so I put it in a status update knowing that most of my friends would get a laugh out of it, even the ones with money, because it's a quote on the internet and it's phrased funnily. People say things everyday on FB that are not necessarily directed at you, personally, and I thought that knowing that was part of internet 101.

This morning, when I check FB I see that FMIL has commented on this saying, "I believe you just did." Which is liked by one person. FFIL. I have no idea what this means until I check my messages. Which has a message from FMIL. To back it up a minute, she does not have a cell phone and will not give me her e-mail address, so FB is how we communicate when we must. I had sent her a message a few weeks back congratulating her on her new promotion and wanting to get together for lunch or coffee (she's working in my hometown that I'll be getting stuff out of storage in) whenever was convenient to her, trying to be nice and ignore all of the "she's tearing apart the family" business that I had heard through my FI (he was beyond pissed about that little number and told her it was unacceptable). I wanted to start over. This was not to be. The message in my inbox accuses me of being materialistic, high-maitenance, and the words "My hope is you may forgive me for not understanding you in the slightest." Quickly followed by some words about how she hopes I have a job lined up in P-cola because of my "distaste for poverty."

I supported myself all through college working at least 2 jobs at a time. I had a small amount of money that my dear departed Papa put away for each of his grandkids that covered a part of my housing expenses. After that, it was loans and working that paid for my degree. I've worked since then, paid my own way, and yes, I like nice things, I don't purchase them too often because I know that money doesn't grow on trees and that I have to pay for it. Yes, FI is really generous with me, but that doesn't negate the whole working for a living thing. I was raised pretty middle class and have no delusions about how money happens. I have been living rent-free with my Mom since August, the first time I've been rent-free since the start of college. She offered, and it got me a better job and the ability to save money to start FI and I's life together on a more stable footing.

 My family loves FI, they always ask after him and he has standing invitations to any family gathering or holiday. I have never been asked inside his parent's home by them and they have gone out of their way to avoid me even when we lived in the same city. One of the problems that FI and I have worked on is that he tends to take things too seriously or assume that they were barbs meant for him even when that isn't the case. He's gotten a ton better about it, but now you see where he gets it from. It's the whole looking for an excuse thing combined with this victim mentality that just makes me want to scream or tell her off.

I really don't want to get FI involved with this, as he goes to IFS very shortly and is in the midst of memorizing and filling out paperwork and doesn't need this drama. I've got some interviews lined up, and yes, I do have a "distaste" for poverty in that I've been broke and poor and it was not enjoyable and I have no desire to do it again, hence the working and FI and I having a very good conversation about finances and buying a good book about it to work on it further (thanks to you guys!).

CN: My FMIL who already didn't like me has decided to take a quote on my FB wall personally. It has led to name-calling and her refusing to have lunch with me once I'm in town. I want to keep things peaceful for FI, but I also really want to tell her off, how to respond? Thanks you guys for any input.


Re: Oh, Facebook... (FMIL rears her head, again)- this is long

  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    read August as October
  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Ugh! My advice? Don't talk to her. If she isn't nice to you, don't contact her. One of the biggest things I've learned working with someone I can't stand is that I can't change them. They will not change- no matter how nice you are, how many times you try to connect with her, etc. It sucks but if you look at it that way, you'll save yourself her hurtful words. You can make sure only friends see your things on FB if you go to privacy settings. Let me know if you need help with that. I had to do that due to some crazies too.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Specifically relating to what she sent you in the FB message - I would respond and politely explain that it was not a swipe at her, but a repetition of a quote that you thought funny. As much as you won't want to, apologize that you offended her. And leave it at that. It sounds like she's trying to draw you into an argument.

    It might be worth addressing the larger issue of their avoidance and everything that has gone along with it. You are going to be around for a long, long time - as are they. Even if it comes down to an agree to disagree sort of thing - recognize that you don't get along and agree to tolerate each other and at least be polite about it! 

    Sending catty FB messages is kind of childish - just make sure you don't do the same back!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Caitlin, I haven't seen you on here before, but welcome and I second your advice wholeheartedly!  Disengage from the drama - write back and say that you are terribly sorry you offended her, that was not your intention, and explain what you did mean by the post.  Let her know that it hurts your feelings that they don't like you, but that you hope to prove to them that you love their son very much and that you can be a good daughter-in-law.  And leave it at that. 

    What's your FI's relationship like with his parents?  I know my FI doesn't have a close relationship at all with his Mom - we try to include her, but don't go out of our way since she's never done anything for him.  But she'd never lash out at me like that because she knows that a) FI has a better relationship with her now that he's with me since I encourage him to include her, and b) he'd pick me over her any day so she doesn't want to start that fight.



  • edited December 2011
    Calinda - I've been lurking for about a month now and decided it was time to jump in! Thanks for the welcome!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    DMB - also, everyone looks at FB friending a bit differently.  I think if my brother's girlfriend wouldn't friend me on FB, I'd be a bit skeptical that she was hiding something or being stand-off-ish.  That's maybe not fair, but it's how I would see it.  I am friends with FI's Mom, Dad, and sisters, as well as my own parents and my brother (and yes, my brother's girlfriend, who is a sweetheart).  There are ways to set up your privacy settings so they can't see things like your wall posts, status updates, or even pictures if you prefer.  Having good updated Facebook privacy settings is key.  I think you shouldn't probably say things on FB that you wouldn't want people seeing because even with the best privacy settings, once you put something on the interwebz it's out there for people to find.  You'd be amazed at what people can find and how they can misinterpret things.  That said, it sounds like your FMIL is going to find an excuse to pick on you no matter what you do as your comment wasn't directed at her in any way.  Some people suck, but have you ever heard the phrase, "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer"? 



  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I haven't responded yet, but you guys are right, I just need to disengage and defintely not get drawn in.

    FI and his family, particularly his Mother are extremely close and a bit insular. They see his Dad's family some, and they talk, but his Mother and her Mother really don't get along, so it's kinda rocky. FI and his brother were homeschooled (not a bad thing in itself), and they both kinda came out of it with the idea that the 4 of them (Mom, Dad, Bro, FI) were the only people they could fully trust. There's a lot of prejudices with them, mostly about not ever being able to trust people with money and a lot of pre-judging based on what schools you went to. I went to a small Catholic high school on scholarship and a Big 12 college on scholarship and loans, which made me a rich snob in FMIL's eyes.

     The first time we met for coffee she asked me if I wanted to marry her son. I said that I loved him very much and would be proud to be with him. She immediately asked what the groom's family is expected to pay for. This was over a year ago, so I had no idea what to say other than that I think most couples pay mostly for their own now but we hadn't gotten that far yet. Her response was something to the extent of "Good, because we would never pay anything towards a wedding at all, it's silly." Which is a fine opinion, but this was the first time I had met this woman.   At this point, FI knows that his Mom has a tendency to fly off the handle and he just won't engage with her when she does.

    His family is pretty cash-poor a lot of the time, even though his parents both work 40-hour a week jobs with salaried positions, and he tends to give them pretty large amounts of money when he sees them. That's a touchy subject, but we've talked about it more recently. His Mom I think is the opposite of your FI's Mom, Cal, she's sort of refused to admit that he's grown up and has new and occasionally different opinions and probably would side with me often; I think that she still thinks that if she causes enough trouble that it would destabilize us. Which sucks. I want to be close to his family and I want him to be close to mine. I encourage him to remember to call and to see them when we're in town. My Grannie invited them over for Easter lunch because his bro and Dad were visiting his Mom in the town she works in, and they just flaked out and then blamed FI for not trying harder to see them. I don't want this to be a choice, I want us to be a family.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sounds rough - sorry you have to face that!  What a snot, saying the first time she'd met you that she'd never pay for a wedding.  No one asked you to, lady!

    I definitely would advise pre-marital counseling for you and your FI.  Complex family relationships like that, especially co-dependency and trust issues, are something you have to nip in the bud.  You definitely want him to be able to put you and your family that you'll build together ahead of his parents and siblings.  Giving them money is okay only when and if you both agree, but you're only now getting to that stage so approach the topic gently.  This sounds a lot like the fridge full of beer - technically it's still his money to do with as he sees fit, but if you're planning on moving forward together, it's important that you both have a say in how money is spent.

    As far as making a relationship with his family, I would just play dumb.  Just kill 'em with kindness.  Be so nice and friendly and open and welcoming - invite them to share holidays with you guys, send them birthday and mothers/fathers day cards with affectionate messages, call them just to see how they're doing, etc.  It may seem really awkward and they may push back, but just pretend you don't see the push back and just keep being friendly.  Eventually they should come around, and if not, at least you've proven to your FI that you are doing everything in your power to build a relationship with his family. 

    I do this with FI's Mom - she's cold and self-involved, a really horrible mother, negative and condescending, crude and obnoxious.  But I call her and send her e-cards, birthday cards, Mother's Day cards (and now FI sends her them, too, and he didn't used to).  I am just overly friendly with everything.  I invite her along to things, for example FI's Mom is going to be joining my parents and my grandma (who might give her a run for her money in the 'most self-involved' category), with my FI and me when we go see our venue in a few weeks.  She apparently wanted to come watch us take our engagement photos... uh, awkward!  So the venue-visit was my alternative solution.  Joy...



  • edited December 2011
    My MIL and I don't get along. In the slightest. I've tried, several times.  We were super close, but when I decided to move back to NC with my parents (so I wouldn't be around my IL's fighting all the time, and not be charged rent) she completely changed.  Thats another story, for another day.

    I reacted badly, and apologized to her for what I said (She was opening my mail, and telling my H that my bills were for more than they were, as well as not informing me of the mail at all even though it had my name on it. I told her that what she was doing was a federal offense and she forwarded it to pretty much everyone in my H's family) She sent me a snotty email back about how she hopes H and I don't last, blah blah blah. Now, I just ignore her. I don't talk badly about her (except to my mom sometimes), I completely ignore her existance. I'm sure one day we'll be okay again (never as close as we were), but for the moment I'm done with her.  The way I see it, it's her loss (in both of our cases).  When she has a grandbaby that she's never met, she'll be sorry..  I later found out that she was emailing my H telling him that I was fat, she would listen in, or stand at the door when I was talking on the phone. Clearly she's the epitome of maturity.

    Part of me wants to advise you to leave it alone, and then the other part of me whats to say to try to clear the air with another message.  I think it's silly that she won't let you have her email address, that alone makes me want to say just leave her alone.. but at the same time.. She's his mom, ya know.. she'll always be his mom.  I feel like we have the same kind of MIL..

    Plus, I've always believed that the drama between some MIL and DIL's is because all she sees is the 2 of you having sex.

    Welcome Caitlin!! You should post an intro!!
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    So, I'm going to take the kill it with kindness route. This is the response I sent:
    I'm very sorry that the quote in my comment offended you. It was most certainly not directed at you, it was a quote from a gossip website that I read and was referring to how lucky Catherine Zeta-Jones is to be sunning herself on a yacht in Portofino right now. I thought people would think it was funny, and some did, but it obviously struck a nerve with you, and I'm sorry about that. I hope that in the future we can come to a better place so that these kind of misunderstandings don't happen too often.
    I would never use that language to refer to you or any of Ben's family (she referred to herself as one of the "g-d-damned liars" from my earlier quote) and I most certainly do not look down on you ( said in her message that I looked down on her). I need that to be very clear. I'm sorry that this quote caused you to judge my personality so harshly; I love your son very much and want us to be able to have a civil relationship.
    Sound ok?
  • edited December 2011
    Very nice!

    Now, I would just leave it at that...
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Kudos!  That was a very diplomatic response. 



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