Military Brides

I'm judging...

The asshole at the coffee shop that I went to this morning. They had a price increase of
.25 cents on their coffee, and the guy made the biggest effin stink about it. It affected my coffee, too, buddy. Anyway, after he made the biggest deal ever in life, he got his coffee, huffed and puffed out... to his big ass Escalade. Ummmm, if you can afford payments and gas on that monster of a SUV, you can afford .25 cents. I get that price increases suck, but don't take it out on the poor girl at the counter helping your ass.  /end rant.

Happy Tuesday.

Re: I'm judging...

  • I'm judging myself for procrastinating at work right now.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:49483e00-5009-4490-9a0c-71a717e90a03Post:a82289d2-ee1e-4181-9184-9320a7a0ee95">Re:I'm judging...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm judging myself for procrastinating at work right now.
    Posted by ggirl2001[/QUOTE]

    I do NOT judge you for that. Because I am doing the same. And, it's just OK.
  • I am also judging myself for being a lazy POS right now. Took almost 24 hours to drive from WI to VA, got home, went to bed, got 5 hours of sleep, got up to drive H to the airport, came home and went back to sleep til being lazy!! Okay I got some payments taken care of, but that's about it. Back to work tomorrow!!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I'm judging myself for sitting here rather than packing.  I HATE PACKING.



  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:49483e00-5009-4490-9a0c-71a717e90a03Post:99d963a7-8d1a-461d-b46e-888520dac5ed">Re: I'm judging...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm judging myself for sitting here rather than packing.  I HATE PACKING.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    As much as you hate Miami, you would think you would have been good and packed a month ago! HA HA! Poor Cal, seriously, packing does suck.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I'm judging...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I'm judging... : As much as you hate Miami, you would think you would have been good and packed a month ago! HA HA! Poor Cal, seriously, packing does suck.
    Posted by CAB1217[/QUOTE]

    It wouldn't be so bad, except FI wants to basically keep our daily living the same up until Friday.  His Dad and Dad's best friend arrive on Thursday, my parents and his Mom and sisters arrive on Friday, his graduation is Saturday, and we leave on Sunday.  I want it DONE!  He wants to throw things in boxes on Friday, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning.  Um, no. 

    We can live out of suitcases and eat off paper plates for the rest of the week - I'm packing everything!  He wants to keep his clothes in the drawers, pots & pans in the cabinets, and I'm at my wits end - I want to strangle him right now!  Add insult to injury, he's started studying for the bar, so he sits in the living room (which is the only table & chair we have left because he dismantled the others) with this stupid law professor lady whining loudly while I pack.  I can't make noise - which is hard with bubble wrap and packing tape - and I can't listen to music. 

    If I don't kill him by Monday, we'll be set for life.



  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:49483e00-5009-4490-9a0c-71a717e90a03Post:5c9f050b-3d5a-4fb0-b51d-473497dd0f1b">I'm judging...</a>:
    [QUOTE]The asshole at the coffee shop that I went to this morning. They had a price increase of<strong> .25 cents</strong> on their coffee, and the guy made the biggest effin stink about it. It affected my coffee, too, buddy. Anyway, after he made the biggest deal ever in life, he got his coffee, huffed and puffed out... to his big ass Escalade. Ummmm, if you can afford payments and gas on that monster of a SUV, you can afford .25 cents. I get that price increases suck, but don't take it out on the poor girl at the counter helping your ass.  /end rant. Happy Tuesday.
    Posted by CAB1217[/QUOTE]

    I also judge the person that gets worked up over a quarter of a penny... ;-)

    I judge people that schedule a meeting right after lunch. Conference call is perfect for nap time.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:49483e00-5009-4490-9a0c-71a717e90a03Post:1d07ffd4-24c0-4fda-9b74-545cca208fb2">Re: I'm judging...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I'm judging... : It wouldn't be so bad, except FI wants to basically keep our daily living the same up until Friday.  His Dad and Dad's best friend arrive on Thursday, my parents and his Mom and sisters arrive on Friday, his graduation is Saturday, and we leave on Sunday.  I want it DONE!  He wants to throw things in boxes on Friday, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning.  Um, no.  We can live out of suitcases and eat off paper plates for the rest of the week - I'm packing everything!  He wants to keep his clothes in the drawers, pots & pans in the cabinets, and I'm at my wits end - I want to strangle him right now!  Add insult to injury, he's started studying for the bar, so he sits in the living room (which is the only table & chair we have left because he dismantled the others) with this stupid law professor lady whining loudly while I pack.  I can't make noise - which is hard with bubble wrap and packing tape - and I can't listen to music.  If I don't kill him by Monday, we'll be set for life.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]
    Don't you just LOVE the "I have to study" excuse! Ha ha! You're a good woman Cal, you can do this! ;) I feel ya, I really, REALLY do. H took me out this weekend as a reward for putting up with him during midterms. Yeah, JUST midterms. Not even finals. I can't WAIT for finals :/

    Good luck with the packing! And remember, I am here for you when you want to vent about living with parents! HA HA! Ohhhhh man.
  • I'm in the same boat as Cal right now...I have one more final tomorrow and Thursday evening I'm supposed to be heading to my parents for the summer. Community college there is so much cheaper than sticking around here. So I have like a day to pack and clean up around here, since I'll probably be gone most of the summer since I can get a job easily back home. I'm also going to do some networking over this summer :D or at least attempt to >.>

    I judge myself for being lazy and procrastinational <-- (not a word, I know...but it's just that bad.) and for being a fatty that ate almost all the baked potato soup.
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