Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Age-Gap Ceremony Readings Or Something?

Getting hitched October 2012! Working on the ceremony details. My fiancee and I have been together for 6 years now and have an age gap (me: 30, him: 47)
We're a wondeful fit though, and both sets of parents have always been incredibly supportive (our Moms in particular are tickled flippin' pink that a wedding is coming up:) Much consideration has been taken over the years and we did not enter into this lightly (the stereotypes are not there either, he is certainly not a millionaire and I am not vapid arm-candy:) Neither of us has been married before, and we're over-the-moon excited!

A lot of our extended family, and old friends of our parents have been invited. I never think about "the gap," but I'm sure some others will who don't see us all the time. I was wondering if it should be given "a nod" or acknowledged in some funny way, being that it's a fact. Are there any decent readings or excerpts pertaining to such a thing? I've not had much luck via google (if I read "age is just a number" one more time...) If anyone knows of anything somewhat quirky or something meaningful, or attended a similar wedding, that would be awesome!! If not, we'll just go with Plan A: ignore it and have a wonderful wedding'll be hard for any brows to be furrowed too long with what we already have planned. Thank you!

Re: Age-Gap Ceremony Readings Or Something?

  • edited May 2012
    I would absolutely just ignore it. I honestly don't think it's that big of an age gap; what would be creepy if you were 18 is no big deal if you're 30. Saying anything would, I think, be a little awkward and might look like you guys feel self conscious about it.
  • blush64blush64 member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:aa0d75bd-4d42-4a58-b1eb-c57f4d18f1d2Post:61994ff2-c428-4815-99e1-eed4779d3367">Age-Gap Ceremony Readings Or Something?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Getting hitched October 2012! Working on the ceremony details. My fiancee and I have been together for 6 years now and have an age gap (me: 30, him: 47) We're a wondeful fit though, and both sets of parents have always been incredibly supportive (our Moms in particular are tickled flippin' pink that a wedding is coming up:) Much consideration has been taken over the years and we did not enter into this lightly (the stereotypes are not there either, he is certainly not a millionaire and I am not vapid arm-candy:) Neither of us has been married before, and we're over-the-moon excited! A lot of our extended family, and old friends of our parents have been invited. I never think about "the gap," but I'm sure some others will who don't see us all the time. I was wondering if it should be given "a nod" or acknowledged in some funny way, being that it's a fact. Are there any decent readings or excerpts pertaining to such a thing? I've not had much luck via google (if I read "age is just a number" one more time...) If anyone knows of anything somewhat quirky or something meaningful, or attended a similar wedding, that would be awesome!! If not, we'll just go with Plan A: ignore it and have a wonderful wedding'll be hard for any brows to be furrowed too long with what we already have planned. Thank you!
    Posted by stephsylvest[/QUOTE]

    I think it would be awkward to point out the age gap. As a guest I would wonder why they felt it was important and necessary to their ceremony.It would seem like they wanted people to comment on it or they wanted to make sure people noticed it.
  • That gap doesn't seem particularly large, as others have pointed out it would be different if you were 18, but I don't know many people who would side eye a 30 year old woman marrying a man older than her, clearly you know what you're doing. 

    I think saying something in the ceremony would just be awkward, and as others have stated, make it look like you're uncomfortable with the situation. 
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