And I'll be moving. We had hoped that we'd be able to live here in town (we have a Navy base here), but it didn't work out.
And my mom is already acting like she's angry with me over it.
I get that it's tough for her, but come on... she was an Air Force wife and we moved to England for 6 years when I was little. I'm only moving a few states away!
I have so much stress right now. It's the end of the school year and all of my students who haven't done anything this entire quarter want to bring me all of their work so that they don't fail my class. On top of that, I'm planning a wedding while he's on the other side of the country. I've had to do all the bride and groom planning myself. I finally got him to choose a tux, but then *I* was the one who had to sit there for an hour while they got every piece of the tux in the system. Now, one of the guys in the wedding (one of my bridesdudes) is complaining that the tux is expensive. I told him I was doing my best and that I'd try and get in touch with FI (who is underway). Then, today, this guy posted on FB that the lady at Men's Wearhouse said I picked the most expensive tux they rent. Nice.
I really don't need the extra stress of my mom barely speaking to me because of orders.
How do you deal with that?