Hey ladies...
You waited patiently... here is my dress
First time I put on MY dress about a year ago
Its actually off white but looks really white in the picture because of the flash
With the veil that I got suckered into
The back...
Here is me (below) in the dress 30 lbs ligther
Look I HAVE A WAIST haha (No flash but the color here is more true)
Here is the bummer, my camera battery was dead today when I picked up the dress. Plus side is now I can take pictures whenever I can get someone to help me in it. I decided to go with the under or french bustle. 9 pts ladies haha and they are color coordinated.
Since you can't see the awesome lace underlay and the reason I bought this dress here is the stock photo with a model that could use a cheeseburger LoL