So as of right now, my boyfriend and I are planning to get engaged within the next few months, but he will be shipped off to boot camp in November of this year. We want to get married before that, but I'll be living at home until he gets out. If he gets the job he wants, we won't be able to get a place together for almost another 2 years because of MOS training.

Now we're having trouble on deciding on a lot of things. The two main ones at this early stage is:
Should we have a big wedding, and what the heck do we register for?
I personally want a big wedding first, only because I feel to have a small wedding and then have a big one after he gets out of mos training kind of takes some of the fun/excitment out of it. And of course that's extra money that could be put to something else, like a car payment or something.
And then for the registries, we wouldn't want house stuff because it would be 2 years before it got to be really used! And of course by then all the gift receipts, etc., would be out of date so if anything didn't work or we decided on something else when we did find a place, we'd kind of be at a loss.
Any suggestions, maybe share your story if you've gone through something similar?
Thank you!