Military Brides

Fantasy Friday

No... not THAT kind... you all have dirty minds...

Let's close our eyes and pretend that we can totally remake our world.  Realistic goals are not important.  Prior experience, qualifications, financial situations aside - think of these questions in a world where anything is possible... PIP of dream places/things is totally encouraged!

1.  What would your dream house look like?  Where would it be?

2.  Where would you have a vacation home?  What would you ideally want for a vacation home?

3.  How would you spend your days?  This can be a career, hobby, whatever.

4.  Who would you share your space with?  Are there any pets, children, etc. in this dream space? 



Re: Fantasy Friday

  • edited December 2011
    I like this one!

    1. What would your dream house look like? Where would it be?
    City/State aside my dream house would be in the country, on green rolling hills with land, lots of land. It would have white fencing, it would be a two story house with a wrap around porch. It would be white or brick. It would have shutters. A gorgeous farm style huge kitchen, it would be light and airy and have everything I want, a huge master bathroom and bedroom. The house would also have a barn/stables and that would be red. 4 or maybe 6 stalls, with a tack room thats super oraganized.

    2. Where would you have a vacation home? What would you ideally want for a vacation home?
    Mmmm.. vacation. It would be on the beach - maybe pensacola or obx. it would have 2 stories on stilts - with a wrap around porch on both stories. It would have floor to ceiling windows for the ocean view - that open - it has to have fresh salty air with the sound of waves crashing. It would have a gorgeous kitchen - its super important to me. It would have a wash stall downstairs for rinsing off the sand.
    3. How would you spend your days? This can be a career, hobby, whatever.
    I would love to spend my days with my horses, riding. I would spend them with our future babies. But they would go riding with me (they're like 5-6). I would always have a clean house, but it would be messy we would do crafty stuff and just love on our horses. Or at the vacation house we would live on the beach all the time building sand castles and laughing and playing in the water.
    4. Who would you share your space with? Are there any pets, children, etc. in this dream space?
    Mhhhmmm! Kids, just 2, and our doggie, and horses must have horses. Lol. I would of course share the space with FI.

    This really made my day/morning so much more relaxed!! Thanks!! I can't wait to hear everyone elses!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I got called into a meeting (where I was told my boss is on his last warning, which is a GOOD thing!  Hopefully he'll be gone soon!) so I didn't have time to answer my own question...

    1.  What would your dream house look like?  Where would it be?
    It would be on the water, ideally a lake.  It would have a wrap-around porch with great sitting areas for reading and chatting with friends.  I'd probably want it in Virginia somewhere, since I like DC so much, but I'm flexible.  I'd want a big yard for kids to play, a dock with a JetSki motorboat, a shed that holds 4 kayaks (or two 2-person kayaks, especially when we have young kids), a windsurfer, two wave runners, 2 paddleboards, and a 420 sailboat. 

    When you walk in the front door, you'd see a big light wood staircase that leads upstairs.  It would be nice and open.  On the left, there would be the dining room area, which would be have walls and big rounded archways for entrances, but to the rest of the house would be open - with the kitchen nestled in the back corner, and a living space over the whole right side.  There'd be a table by the window for breakfast and casual meals, and big oversided sofas for the rest.  Off the back of the kitchen, there would be a door to the basement.  We'd have a kids' playroom down there, and a wine cellar.

    I'd love to have an extra apartment over a stand-alone garage that can be used for guests, my parents when they visit, and maybe some day so they can live with us if they need to.

    (Loooove this idea - porch for grown-up time, underneath the porch turned into a playhouse)

    2.  Where would you have a vacation home?  What would you ideally want for a vacation home?

    In southwestern Germany, near the French border.  We'd be able to go over for holidays, to explore Europe and use it as a base of operations.  It would have to have a view of vineyards or mountains, be within walking/biking distance of a cute little town, and with water nearby (I need to see water - it reenergizes me).

    3.  How would you spend your days?  This can be a career, hobby, whatever.

    I would wake up early to go for a swim or a run or a kayak trip with my love.  Then we'd wake the children up, feed them breakfast, FI would go into his private office (which would be one of the rooms over the garage) and he'd do consulting (this is post-military dream).  I'd send the kids off to school, and then write on even days, paint on odd days.  I'd make lunch for FI, and we'd eat it on the porch in nice weather with a pitcher of ice cold lemon & cucumber water.  Then I'd do graphic designing in the afternoon, mostly invitations and such but some logos and advertisement layouts.  The kids would come home from school, and they'd have a snack before doing their homework.  After they finish their homework, they could go out to play.  I'd prepare dinner and throw a load of laundry in and fold a load, and then we'd all eat together before the kids do the dishes (under the supervision of their father) and then we'd all play a family board game in the evening and then have everyone read for fun before bed (we'd read to the ones too little to read to themselves).

    Gosh, that sounds good.  Throw in a housekeeper once a week to do cleaning (which I'd pay for with my graphic design business) and I'd be so set for life.

    4.  Who would you share your space with?  Are there any pets, children, etc. in this dream space? 
    The love of my life, hopefully 2 children (I'd really like a boy and a girl).  We'll probably have one dog, if I get my way it will be a cockapoo or a goldendoodle.  My brother and his girlfriend (who would be his wife in this dream) would visit with their children a lot and the adults would have dinner/drinks on the patio while the kids played.  My parents would come visit, too, and would eventually be able to live in our guest apartment part of the year or all year if they needed to have some extra help or just didn't want to stay in their own place anymore.



  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I thought this was going to be fantasy football talk.  

    Color me disappointed!  

    I'm too tired right now to search for pics, but I'll probably do it later.  Basically I want  the big porch like your first pic, and a huge nice kitchen with a big island like your last pic for my house.   
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:6550e5f7-782b-43ef-ba29-32a0c4b69c05Post:895f03d1-536a-4571-a1d8-bcb74833b689">Re: Fantasy Friday</a>:
    [QUOTE]I thought this was going to be fantasy football talk.   Color me disappointed!   I'm too tired right now to search for pics, but I'll probably do it later.  Basically I want  the big porch like your first pic, and a huge nice kitchen with a big island like your last pic for my house.   
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    I'll happily talk Fantasy Football, too!  Who's your QB?  How big is your leage, and are you playing for money?

    It's my first year doing FF and I'm LOVING it!  We have a friendly no-money league with my family - my parents, my brother, his girlfriend, FI, and me - so 6 teams.  It's really hilarious all the trash talking that goes on, and it's made me enjoy watching the games more.  For once, I care about games other than the Patriots' games (I know, you hate me for that - we'll get past it).



  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Haha I don't hate you for the Patriots at this point for 2 main reasons.  The first being the obvious that the Bills just beat them.  And the second being that Tom Brady is my QB in my money league and is doing awesome!

    I am in 2 leagues.  The first is a 12 person league that I've been in for 3 years with all of H's friends.  I'm the only woman in the league, and my first year I came in second place!  This league is $100 per person - first wins $700, second wins $300, third wins $100, and the first place before our playoffs starts wins $100.  I'm currently 2-1 and in third place.   

    I'm also in a league on E that has 18 girls and is just for fun.  It's hard for me to get as into it though because with 18 people the teams are pretty thin for talent, and we did autodraft so I couldn't pick my own team.  I've done a lot of changes, but with 18 teams there aren't many players available even to pick up.   I'm currently 3-0 in that league though and in second place.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:6550e5f7-782b-43ef-ba29-32a0c4b69c05Post:7709f9c9-e3ed-4596-bc79-a0fc66cdb937">Re: Fantasy Friday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Haha I don't hate you for the Patriots at this point for 2 main reasons.  The first being the obvious that the Bills just beat them.  And the second being that Tom Brady is my QB in my money league and is doing awesome! I am in 2 leagues.  The first is a 12 person league that I've been in for 3 years with all of H's friends.  I'm the only woman in the league, and my first year I came in second place!  This league is $100 per person - first wins $700, second wins $300, third wins $100, and the first place before our playoffs starts wins $100.  I'm currently 2-1 and in third place.    I'm also in a league on E that has 18 girls and is just for fun.  It's hard for me to get as into it though because with 18 people the teams are pretty thin for talent, and we did autodraft so I couldn't pick my own team.  I've done a lot of changes, but with 18 teams there aren't many players available even to pick up.   I'm currently 3-0 in that league though and in second place.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    I'd cry if I couldn't pick my own team.  And 18 people is a bit too much - I feel like 10-12 is the absolute max for it to be effective and fun.  Your money league sounds fun, though a bit rich for my blood!  We're likely to play with $20 each next year for the family league.



  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yeah, and H and I are both in that league so it's $200 for us to play.  It's really fun though since it's all his friends that we are really close with, and it's basically been the same group for a long time.  I joined when someone else dropped out.  I think 10-12 is the perfect amount for a league because you still get a lot of good players, but still also have to deal with weeding through the lower scoring players and finding out who is going to be hot.  

    The teams in your league must have all studs!  We did a league of 8 a few years ago for $50 each and all of our teams were pretty stacked.  It's leads to some high scoring games, which is pretty fun.  I'm still getting used to this 18 person league, which also isn't a PPR league, so scores are ridiculously low compared to what I'm used to.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:6550e5f7-782b-43ef-ba29-32a0c4b69c05Post:2ca2eb93-13c0-41f0-9db9-6939769a68fb">Re: Fantasy Friday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah, and H and I are both in that league so it's $200 for us to play.  It's really fun though since it's all his friends that we are really close with, and it's basically been the same group for a long time.  I joined when someone else dropped out.  I think 10-12 is the perfect amount for a league because you still get a lot of good players, but still also have to deal with weeding through the lower scoring players and finding out who is going to be hot.   The teams in your league must have all studs!  We did a league of 8 a few years ago for $50 each and all of our teams were pretty stacked.  It's leads to some high scoring games, which is pretty fun.  I'm still getting used to this 18 person league, which also isn't a PPR league, so scores are ridiculously low compared to what I'm used to.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, we definitely didn't have to weed through rookies or benched players to find potential.  I think any team that has under 100 points per game is considered pretty pathetic in our league so far.  FI has basically given up, as he had only 62 points last week or something equally pathetic.   My Mom has Brady, and she's stomping us all even though she doesn't have a clue what she's doing.



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:6550e5f7-782b-43ef-ba29-32a0c4b69c05Post:895f03d1-536a-4571-a1d8-bcb74833b689">Re: Fantasy Friday</a>:
    [QUOTE]I thought this was going to be fantasy football talk.   Color me disappointed!   I'm too tired right now to search for pics, but I'll probably do it later.  Basically I want  the big porch like your first pic, and a huge nice kitchen with a big island like your last pic for my house.   
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Totally thought the same thing.. and my fantasy team sucks because H doesn't listen to me. He may know ncaa but IIIII know pro. Knuckle head. I think after our BARELY winning weekend last weekend, he finally has his listening ears on. :P
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    1.  What would your dream house look like?  Where would it be? Large and older, possibly Victorian/Edwardian or a large Arts & Crafts bungalow. In the Garden District of New Orleans. Or the Belhaven or Eastover neighborhood of Jackson. Completely re-vamped inside. Lots of light, stained glass, bamboo butcher block countertops in the kitchen.
    2.  Where would you have a vacation home?  What would you ideally want for a vacation home? The beach is tempting, but probably in Scotland near the lochs. A large thatched roof cottage with a huge garden and a large conservatory. Plus access to great public transport for weekends in London.
    3.  How would you spend your days?  This can be a career, hobby, whatever. Volunteering with social organizations. Maybe writing. I'd love to edit for a small publishing house or magazine from home. Also, learning to do nails and running a small side business out of it or as a salon consultant.
    4.  Who would you share your space with?  Are there any pets, children, etc. in this dream space? My FI (husband, here). We'd hopefully still have with us Huck (our cat) and Archie (our dog), and probably add another cat (we want a Russian Blue) and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (because I am obsessed with them and work with their rescue). Maybe a black goldendoodle (love them) or a black Standard Poodle as the "big dog." Four or five kids (either 2 and 2 or 3 girls 2 boys).

  • Elle1036Elle1036 member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Fantasy Friday</a>:
    [QUOTE]No... not THAT kind... you all have dirty minds... Let's close our eyes and pretend that we can totally remake our world.  Realistic goals are not important.  Prior experience, qualifications, financial situations aside - think of these questions in a world where anything is possible... PIP of dream places/things is totally encouraged! 1.  What would your dream house look like?  Where would it be? 2.  Where would you have a vacation home?  What would you ideally want for a vacation home? 3.  How would you spend your days?  This can be a career, hobby, whatever. 4.  Who would you share your space with?  Are there any pets, children, etc. in this dream space? 
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    Dream house:  on one of those amazing cliffs overlooking Lake Travis in Austin, TX, with a little elevator going down to the dock where I keep my two boats and two jet skis.  I'll try to come back with PIP.  Internet is being a jerk right now.

    Edit:  Cate, I didn't read your response before I typed my own.  Funny that we have similar dream houses.

    <a href="#" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '5456051c-e1da-43cb-b6cf-967906a5db6a', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>

    Vacation home:  A little cabin at a Colorado ski resort.  Doesn't have to be big, but an outdoor patio with a hot tub is a must.

    <a href="#" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '44041dc7-4ecb-45c9-b465-2dcbd4a44edd', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>

    I would spend my time trying lots of different things.  I'm so ADD, I could have a million hobbies.

    Kids?  Probably not.  Pets?  Absolutely.  At <em>least</em> two dogs and two cats.  And a bird of some kind.  Probably more.  I want to build an ark.
  • edited December 2011
    1.  What would your dream house look like?  Where would it be?

    Wrap around Front Porch, White, Lots of original hardwoods.. It would be in Charleston, SC.. close to the Battery, or somewhere in AL.

    2.  Where would you have a vacation home?  What would you ideally want for a vacation home?

    Gorgeous Beach house.. I'd want one in either Gulf Shores, AL or on the Outer Banks

    A Mountain Log Cabin

    3.  How would you spend your days?  This can be a career, hobby, whatever.
    Ideally, a Blogger/DIY-Crafter/Chef with maybe even a Catering business on the side..

    4.  Who would you share your space with?  Are there any pets, children, etc. in this dream space?
    Hubby, Like I said before Kids at some point, My cat Theo and perhaps we'll get him a brother or a sister, H wants a dog and my canine vote is on a Newf. 
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