Military Brides

Check this out

Hey, check this out, specifically the website they're referring to in the article. It apparently takes data from all over the place (rental applications, public records, your hulu account) and compiles a profile of you without your consent and without even informing you. And, from what I see in the comments it can be alarmingly specific or really off, but if you're on there, get it erased. 

I know we all strive to be good about things like PERSEC, and something like this is terrifying. 

Re: Check this out

  • I had seen this website a long time before.

    It's pretty effed up because all my addresses are on there. Every single one. However, at one address they have me listed as a boy. Ouch.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Hmm, I tried searching myself with first and last name, and nothing came up for me! That's a relief!
  • I've erased myself a few times from that website, unfortunately I always end up back on there. It's probably due to the fact that if you search my name you find where I work anyway so I can't control it.
  • how do you get to the form to remove the profiles?
  • Are you talking about Spokeo?

    Stan you should be proud, nothing turns up for me on google or Spokeo. :)

  • They have me up there under my college email, which no longer exists, and because it no longer exists I can't remove it because I can't access my email to approve it being removed.  It's ridiculous!

    Under my name and phone number, though, nothing shows up.  I've deleted things there over the years.  It enfuriates me that it can exist - it's really an intrusive thing.



  • How do you erase yourself from this?  This is pretty frightening.
  • Oh wait, I got it! I took some of my parents info off but luckily there was nothing on me there. :) PHEW!
  • SOo how do we erase stuff off? They only have me under my maiden name, with a wrong middle name and my address back in Vegas. There's nothing showing up for H at all, so that's good! 
  • It has me living at my old address...  I haven't ived there in 9 months, but it is pretty scary nevertheless....the only time I give my address online is for when I use my CC. Which is scary... if they are selling my billing information.  The  really scary one was my ollllldd AOL email that I totally forgot about..there were pictures and stuff. But that doesn't have my last name tied to it, so they can't associated my AIM with me unless they know. 

  • How the hell do I get my stuff off of that site??  They have me down for my address growing up but my supposedly private FB account shows up... wtf and how is this site legal
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  • edited March 2012
    No one seems to be answering the important question of "HOW DO YOU GET IT OFF?"

    eta: If you go to privacy and scroll down you can remove it. but they limit the amount of requests by email. So if you have multiples you may have to use a couple different email addresses. LAME
  • You go to Privacy at the very bottom, and you put the URL you want down, and the email address associated with it (if you looked it up by email).  If you looked it up by something else, you put the URL and your email address.  But each email address is only allowed to erase so many postings, so I'm at the point where I actually have to create new email addresses just to delete this junk.



  • Sorry sorry. To get it off go to the teeny tiny "privacy" link at the bottom. Click it and it gives you the option to erase it, but you have to give them an e-mail address to do so (I suggest creating a burner hotmail or gmail account for this). You can only delete two from each e-mail address. Good Luck!
  • Whew thanks looks like I'll be making up some email addresses later... whoever invented this site needs a junk punch.

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  • I'm not on there but FI's whole family is! Can I get at least his deleted?
  • edited March 2012
    Also searched my older sister and my whole family is on there except another sister and me
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