I have a Tricare question and coverage with TriCare Standard. I would have FI call Tricare but he is super busy right now, when he gets a chance he is going to also check on this question, until then I thought I'd ask it here.
March, 2008 my Dad at age 50 goes in for his routine Colonoscopy, no other reason to get it besides for his age. Well they found Stage 4 Colon Cancer that had spread to his liver, lymph nods and pancreas. The cancer specialist estimated the cancer had been growing for 12 years. They judge by the previous and current rate of growth that he has 2 good years left.
June 2008: I go in for my yearly female exam with my Primary Care Physician. I tell her the news and her opinion is that based on family history that I should start getting yearly colonoscopies at age 24.
Dec. 2009: Dad's cancer spreads to Brain and two weeks later he passes away.
Present: My 24th birthday is in July. David and I will be married by then and we are pretty sure we have picked Tricare Standard for me.
I am wondering if this insurance will cover these yearly "preventive" exams. (My sister was not covered and my mom's current insurance plan also does not cover it, so it can run a couple grand if you are put under) After having my dad die in my arms there is no way I will not be getting these exams and I will willing to plead my case to Tricare:) I just don't know if I will need to have my current doctor speak with someone/send a referral or make sure it is documented in my file. Or if I am doomed to spending the $$ every year.
(also I am really involved in a couple Colon Cancer organizations so I know there is some help out there emotionally and financically but it adds up!)