Military Brides

Hey hey!

How are you all? How were your thanksgivings? What did you get on black Friday??
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Re: Hey hey!

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    BinxRoseBinxRose member
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    edited December 2011
    Hi Hike! My Thanksgiving was pretty good. I only knew a few friends where we went, but it was nice meeting new people too. I brought green bean casserole, two pumpkin pies and one pecan pie. I'm a little sad knowing I could've been in FL right now...but oh well! After dinner, we went home to take a nap, then headed to Walmart at 9:00. We got our ticket (3rd ones there for the laptop we wanted!), then waited in a nice orderly line until midnight when we were given our laptop. It was fun watching everyone else go crazy around us at 10:00 and again at midnight! Although I heard two women got in a fight and punches were thrown. Glad there were plenty of cops there on-hand! How was your T-day?
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    edited December 2011
    Hike!!!!! YGPM (in a minute)

    Thanksgiving was... chaotic! I had to let a neighbors dogs out because they went out of town for the day.  I go over and use the alarm code they gave me.. and  Oops! They changed it the day before and just forgot to mention it.  The police came, then I locked my car keys & their house key in the house because the dogs aren't allowed out at the same time and one was outside already, and they were freaking out already because there was a cop there, the alarm was going off.  The owners couldn't be reached to get the actual alarm code.  It was all super ridiculous.  I was crying my eyes out and had to walk home.  Yesterday however, the wife came over and had bought me a food processor and a stand mixer (it's not actually the one I've been drooling over forever! but I'm not being a brat about it! It's just as good and it was free!!).  It was really nice of her, but completely unnecessary.  Other than that, my mom and I got into a fight because she burnt the sweet potatoes.  Oh well!  I'm glad all that stress is over!! 

    I hope everyone else had a safe and happy Thanksgiving!! I've missed everyone!!
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    edited December 2011
    This is gonna be a short post because I gotta get ready to go get bridesmaid dresses. My thanksgiving was good. My mom made way too much food haha.
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    edited December 2011
    Thanksgiving was great with family :] 
    We did Black Friday for two things: 
    1. My gf and I wanted the Victoria's Secret giftbag (we got. yay! We didn't have to work hard for it.. just got there 5 before they opened and we were in a decent spot in line) 
    2. H is the "host" of the squadron's Christmas party this year so he has to buy all the raffle prizes.. We had to go to Best Buy and get electronics which honestly wasn't as bad as Target... Target was effin cray cray. 

    Today I'm headed out to make wreathes at a nursery down south with my girlfriends and aunt. YAY! It's so much fun! They turn out so beautifully and they serve free cider, hot chocolate, cookies, crackers, cheeses, and we're allowed to bring wine. yessssss :] 

    Tomorrow is the Seahawks game and we're going to be 5 rows up from midfield. 
    Good weekend. :) 
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    divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Awwww Sami, I would have been totally sobbing too. But I'm glad it worked out, and free mixer-awesome.

    Our Thanksgiving was pretty good. I was up at 6:45 and immediately cooking. We spent the night before cleaning the carpet in the apartment, so I had about 4 hours of sleep. Fortunately almost everything cooked at the same temp, so I was able to just assembly-line it. Of course, I made too much food, so we sent it home with the boys who came over. There's still so much cake left, though. Delicious  cake.

    We didn't do Black Friday, just kind of were lazy and finished the dishes and watched movies on TV. I may go out today, I need to get started on Christmas shopping.
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    shayNnikshayNnik member
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    edited December 2011
    Oh Sami I would have been crying too! And probably yelling, I tend to get really mad first then I'll cry lol. You poor thing.

    FTL-I'm jealous you got the VS giftbag. Then again, I'm too afraid of crowds so sitting on my butt at home wasn't exactly going to get me one.

    Binx, didn't you decorate? I saw a few ladies on here did and it's in my head that you were one of them. I'm working all weekend and just don't have the energy yet.

    Divine, good luck shopping if you go today. I heard it was still a madhouse out there although I thought about going in the morning to get a couple of things. I hate the drive there but you have stores I don't so it's worth the boring silence in the car.

    Our turkey day turned out pretty good. Just 3 couples and 2 kids at a coworker's house. All the food(plus all the wine!) made for a pretty late night. I was already exhausted from staying up until 0230 the night before trying to find a song to walk down the aisle to, and wound up writing my vows. FI insisted on making pies instead of buying them like I wanted to. When we got over there for dinner, he told everyone I made them because he didn't want them to know he was baking. They all just laughed, they know there's no way in H my butt was slaving to make home made pies all day. lol, silly FI.

    EDIT: I also dyed my hair. Well, ok FI dyed it. I have a pic of that too. 

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    calindicalindi member
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    edited December 2011
    Hi all! Glad to hear you survived Thanksgiving/Black Friday!  Looking to see how CAB made out, but maybe she's still sleeping?  Haha!

    We had Thanksgiving at home, and it was wonderful.  Absolutely delicious!  Best turkey I've ever had, honestly.  Everything was really tasty and it only took us about 3 hours to throw together from scratch.  Then we brought my apple pie over to the house of a couple who goes to law school with FI and let our dogs all play.  Sasha is so much smaller, but she loves rough housing with the big dogs.

    Before we started cooking, we took Sasha for a looooong walk - about 2 miles - to the dog park and ran around and played, and then we walked back!  Her little legs got tired on the way back, so I carried her about 1/4 mile or so.  She's only 7 pounds, so it's not hard.  She was so tired, she just slept the rest of the day, which was great.

    Yesterday we took her to the dog park again and taught her "come" and "sit" and how to walk on a leash and how to play fetch.  She's super super ridiculously smart - she's already got all those down pat, so now we're reinforcing them and working on "lay down" and "go to your bed".  We're also trying to train her that "go potty" means it's time to go to the bathroom outside.  She hasn't had any more accidents inside, and usually goes promptly as soon as we bring her out.  We really lucked out with this little sweetheart!  I'm totally 100% smitten. 

    Our air conditioning got fixed yesterday, so it was finally cool enough for me and FI to sleep in the same bed (I've been in the guest bed with Sasha since FI is like a personal heated blanket).  FI put her in her bed right between us and we snuggled over it.  I loved it!  She's such a spoiled princess.



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    divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Cal- I meant to recommend this to you before about training-We've trained Archie to ring these bells we have on the door so that we hear it and know he wants out. You can buy the special ones, or just put some jingle bells tied onto the knob. You ring the bells everytime you open the door to let them go potty, and they just pick it up that's what it means. It's helpful if you aren't always in the room where the door is.
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    BinxRoseBinxRose member
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    edited December 2011
    Sami- oh my goodness, I would've started crying too! Shay- no decorating here. Still too poor to get decorations haha! Divine- my dad puts their dog out on a line extending from the house to a tree. They've been meaning to install a new front door and they didn't want the dog scratching it. So my dad installed a doorbell that the dog presses from the outside, and rings inside, so they know when he's ready to come in!
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    edited December 2011
    Hey guys! Lol Cal, I'm awake, we've just been playing FI's new Xbox all day. (so we obviously succeeded!!) black Friday was not as bad as we thought it would be. We got there at a good time, and we're only about 50 people in when we got in line. We were in and out of Target in like 10 minutes! But it was drama as we were walking out, people were going crazy!!! We got so lucky.
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    edited December 2011
    Thanksgiving for me was uneventful. I was able to get H on skype for about 30 mins in the morning which was really nice. 1/2 my family was OOT this year so it was quiet and kinda boring, went over to my Step Mother's and my lil brother Jack (8yrs old) was ignoring everyone to watch a James Bond marathon. I wanted a rematch in JUST DANCE man! We scheduled the rematch for tonight. I'll be making the drive back tomorrow, I am anxious to get back and have my routine back. :)
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    Beachy730Beachy730 member
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    edited December 2011
    Good morning!  Our Thanksgiving was full of airports and 7 hours in the air.  But the airline did give out free wine for the holiday which was nice!  Our "turkey dinner" was turkey paninis in the DC airport.  They were delicious though!

    H and I didn't leave the house yesterday at all.  We have both been feeling crappy since we got home.  I think we might have a bug, but then we're also jet lagged too.  We are heading to Target now for some groceries and to check out any deals that are leftover.  Mainly we'll probably look at DVDs and stuff.
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    tyleet87tyleet87 member
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    edited December 2011
    Mine was ok. I made deviled eggs and went to my FILs house. It was decent, they didn't get on my nerves too much. ;) But I thought most of their food was fantastic!

    Then we drove 30 minutes to my aunt's house and met up with my family whom had already eaten. :( So I had some dessert (none of which I actually liked). My cousins and uncles were watching what they thought were funny youtube videos on the giant TV while I sat with them distracting myself with my laptop and pinterest. FI fell asleep soon after and I was pretty bored. I usually have fun on Thanksgiving and don't know what went wrong this year.
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    freebread03freebread03 member
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    edited December 2011
    I loved spending the holiday with family and friends--we usually go to a close friend's house for dinner, and everyone brings something interesting.  I'm a pretty traditional Thanksgiving dinner girl, so "interesting" isn't exactly what I look for on Thanksgiving, but as long as I get my basics, I'm happy.  My mom made some "interesting" spread with grilled cactus (my parents live in Arizona), and someone else brought a spicy chipotle stuffing.  Two thumbs down on the weird stuffing--you shouldn't mess with a good thing!

    We didn't do any black friday shopping--we flew back to DC yesterday, so most of the day was spent traveling.  I might make a trip over to the mall tomorrow because there's a few things I'd like to look at that looked nice online, but braving the crowds isn't something I want to do :(
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    IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
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    edited December 2011
    Turkey day was uneventful at my dads and got nowhere near a store yesterday! Today was a friends baby shower (insannnne amount of gifts!) and my ten year reunion. Most of us are just going near the bar where it is to meet up and figure well run into some people. My feet hurt already though so who knows how long I'll be out. Anxious to get h
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    kara811kara811 member
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    edited December 2011
    H and I had a great Thanksgiving! I just wish we(well he) had more time off. We drove to Jersey Wednesday afternoon and got back last night. We had a ton of great food and did Black Friday shopping. H, my sister and I went to the outlets on Thursday night for Midnight Madness, we didn't get back til 330am then we went to the mall and spent a few hours there in the morning. It wasn't that crowded at the places we went to and we tried to stay away from long lines on certain stores. We were very successful in getting  a lot of good deals! We're almost done with Christmas shopping, so Yay!
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