So I mentioned before H got a new tattoo while on det. I was less than pleased, still am whenever it's mentioned. He checked with the OIC and he okayed it so he got it. It's a quarter sleeve/band (it could be either really) so from his shoulder to like halfway to his elbow, barely visible when he has a t-shirt on. One of his higher ups (Enlisted, a Master Guns I believe) is totally trying to crucify H for this tattoo. He's trying to get a page 11 put in his service record for failing to comply with a MARADMIN (or whatever..). My H is a pretty stand up Marine, and I don't just say that because he's my H. He gets his haircuts weekly, knows uniform regs by heart, PT's both with the command, and on his own, anything a Marine should do, he does. Tonight was the first I've heard about all the crap about the tattoo, and the first time I've ever heard him be down about being in the MC. It really broke my heart and has led to my current insomnia..
So, I've read and re-read the actual
MARADMIN <clicky (this totally made me miss AD, I used to write these and play in the message traffic all day long!!) and IMO it's kind of a broad interpretation. His tattoo is not visible in any uniform other than PT and even then it's just barely visible (we skyped and he put his pt uniform on and moved around and pantomimed running, push-ups, and pull ups, and I could barely see it at all). He has to go and see the CO, and he'll find out if he gets the page 11 or not. My question to you Stan, with your vast knowledge of MC fun facts, & C, with your MC JAG Officer FI, does this seem right? or fair at all? I even went through the message and bold and highlighted the parts that apply and he printed it out so he can take it with him when he meets with the CO... but it seems to me that the message is at least somewhat up for interpretation by the CO. H's never been in trouble, promoted fast, done well on his PFT and CFT's, does all his MCI's, so I'm just struggling with the fact that this tattoo is apparently such a huge deal! I could understand if it were offensive, or sexist, or racist, but it's a tribal tattoo so it's mostly just black squiggles (Sorry.. I know they aren't squiggles.. but I'm frustrated). It has a Sun God, but I mean.. how is that offensive, sexist or racist?! They(really it's just the Master Guns) are mostly up in arms about the size of it.. Any advice ladies? Or any different interpretations of that message?