I'm not ever someone to really talk about politics, except with my Hubby. So I am not trying to start a political debate about parties, or candidates. That being said, H and I were just looking at the potential candidates, and I was mildly horrified to find out that "The Naked Cowboy" has delcared he will be running for office on an independant ticket. SERIOUSLY?! There were a few other "everyday americans" who plan on running. I'm all for that, but unless they have something more productive to say than "the rent is too damn high", I for one can say that I will not take any of them seriously until I see proof that they are the best candidate for the job, ie a plan for bettering the economy, to lower the rent that is so high. I think it would be great if an average citizen ran for president, and won, but only if they were well versed in the issues that face our country. Not just the ones that they have a problem with.
How do you feel about politics? do you research candidates or just vote with your party? Do you think that military service should be a requirement for the President? If you could change anything about the election process, what would it be?