I'm so close to the 15 day forecast. LoL My cousin is getting married this weekend and they are forcasting rain the next 5 days. I feel bad for her.
We've gotten all the timeline details worked out, figuring out rides for people and all that jazz. The only major things on my list left is paying off people, OOT bags, place cards and programs. Feels good to have gotten stuff done early. Oh my dress is suppose to be finished on Friday, I am hoping my last fitting goes off without (ETA: out) a hitch. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Although getting answers from Military guests has been a PITA. Our original Ushers and Reader couldn't make it, so we had to asked other guys. Only a handful of David's AF guys can make it and I feel bad for him but it doesn't phase him though, which is good.
I'm excited to see this last 1.5 years of planning pay off.