Military Brides

Change of Plans

So FI is done with flight school (yay) and his graduation is Thursday.  His report date for his next duty station was sometime in Oct.  But he didn't realize that when he got promoted his orders changed.  Not to a different place, but they now want him there  A LOT sooner.  It's a bummer because I was going to fly into Washington to meet up with him and hang out with his fam then go with him  through Canada up here to Alaska.  It's lookin like that's not going to happen.  The positive is he will be here sooner, but the negative we  already dropped money on plane tickets and passport (his family too).  Guess that's what plane insurance is for! ha .. that's what we get for being cheap!! lol and I'm sure I'll use the passport at some point!! lol
I'm realizing that nothing is ever really written in stone!! 
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Re: Change of Plans

  • edited December 2011
    Ain't that the truth!!

    Glad you're not super upset about it!!
  • edited December 2011
    So true, nothing is ever wirrten in stone until it's actually happening!

    That's no fun, but a passport is always nice to have around in case a travel opprotunity pops up :)
    White Knot Visit The Knot! Daisypath Graduation tickers
  • edited December 2011
    oh i feel you. Good news is that WA is close. and pasports take a while to expire at that. Ditto to the change in orders we got a ticket a while back for me to fly back form cali during the PCS in a few and so we are also doing the dance. It seems like orders get mixed up a lot around the beginning of the fiscal year. Yay to seeing eachother sooner though if it had to get moved atleast its closer :)
  • edited December 2011
    @sami It is a bummer, but defnitely not anything that I can control! So there's no point in being upset! Just wish I would've gotten travelers insurance!!   lol

    @Sarah, you're so right!!! LOL funny you say that because my FI actually said " Yeah, don't ever expect anything to go just as planned until it's actually happening!!"   lol 

    I'm sure a passport would come in handy!!  I do really want to go to Canada (among millions of other places I want to go) So I will definitely be using it! Hopefully!! 
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Change of Plans</a>:
    [QUOTE]oh i feel you. Good news is that WA is close. and pasports take a while to expire at that. Ditto to the change in orders we got a ticket a while back for me to fly back form cali during the PCS in a few and so we are also doing the dance. It seems like orders get mixed up a lot around the beginning of the fiscal year. Yay to seeing eachother sooner though if it had to get moved atleast its closer :)
    Posted by prettyirishgirl[/QUOTE]

    Washington isn't too far!!  I can always plan another visit!!  He may be able to get an extension for traveling so if so then our plans will remain the same!  So it's just a waiting game!   Either way is fine with me!!  I just can't wait to see him!!  It seems like the closer it gets the harder it gets and the days seem SO MUCH LONGER!! lol!!
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