Military Brides

Heard from FI

I heard from my FI today. It was good to hear his voice, but hearing his voice reminds me how much I miss him.  I'm glad I know that he is okay, but missing him is hard. What do you ladies do when you are sepreated from FI/H to make missing them less hard?
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Re: Heard from FI

  • BinxRoseBinxRose member
    edited December 2011
    Yay! It's crazy how much we take phone calls for granted when they're home. But when they're calls are the best! My FI hasn't been gone longer than 3 weeks since we officially started dating. But when he is gone and can't even call me, I try my best to stay busy. I try getting together w/ the other SOs. I start watching a new tv series on Netflix (that can seriously pass the time while sitting at home alone)! Or start a new book, or a new project!
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I watch whatever tv I want, I eat what I want, I work a lot (which happens either way), and I work out a lot more.

    I miss him when he's gone, but I just keep calm and carry on.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I stop thinking about missing him, and just live my life.  I do things that i enjoy, like play soccer, rent chick flicks, hang out with friends, etc.  When I am doing things, I rarely sit and think about how much better it would be if H was there with me, and just enjoy myself.  It sounds pretty simple, but the more you think about him not being there, the harder it is.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    We've had to go through two deployments 1- 6 monther and 1 - 7 monther. I found that staying positive helped a lot. Making care packages helped a ton, and staying busy - but still enjoying life was the best. I loved care packages because it was something about knowing once that box was taped up - he would be the one opening it next and it would make his day. I worked out a lot, I worked a lot, and did extra classes at school. But the biggest thing I learned from deployment 1 was not letting time waste away - not trying to wish it away and enjoying it. I regretted wishing away 6 months while he was gone - all i did was work, school, and exercise. Deployment 2 - I did all that, and made time for friends (girls night a week at Chilli's or Outback) and to enjoy myself. I would 'reward' myself each month and get a pedicure or whatever. But to answer your question - when I missed him the most - I would put together a care package and send him super long emails reminding him i loved and missed him.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I have a wonderful group of friends that plan fun little things to us to do.  I am enjoying catching up on "trash/reality" TV shows since H thinks that is the fastest way to lose brain cells. 

    I will say it is nice to get an e-mail and to skype with him.  We have been lucky that we are able to skype about twice a week.  Some friends and I will be running a race this weekend and then having a cook out.  If all is planned right we will be skpying him into the cook out so he can see everyone.
  • leahmeleah12leahmeleah12 member
    edited December 2011
    It is always so amazing to hear from him! It is crazy how just hearing his voice makes me so happy. Lately I have been having a hard time dealing with missing my FI. He is in afghanistan, it has been 10 days since I last heard from him. I try to just keep busy even though sometimes its hard because I just want to feel sorry for myself and be sad. It helps to have amazing friends and family to always be there. Between school, work, friends/family, working out, and planning a wedding I stay very busy which helps. 
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