It seems like I'm not the only one that was purposed to on Christmas Eve. First off let me introduce My Fiance and myself. I am Candice but I go by Candie and My fiance is Justin a Spc in the army. I know you all want the juicy details so lets get down to it.
Christmas eve we went to his Mom's house to spend the night and unwrap our gifts. After an hour of unwrapping gifts and his Mom filming it she took upstairs and gave Justin a special ornaments. Then they started talking alone and I was left standing in the kitchen kinda confused. Justin ran downstairs then came back up and he hugged me and gave me a kiss and told me how much he loved me. He usually never nervous so I knew soothing was up. He told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me then he got down on knee and pulled a grey ring box. I started freaking out and was like " Your not doing what i think your doing" He smiled and opened it and said "Candice ____ _____ will you marry me?" I started shaking cause I was so stunned then I said yes. He slipped the ring on my finger only to learn that it was a family heirloom and ironicly without it being sized it fit me perfectly.
That was the best Christmas present and to top it all off his mom got it on camera so I will always remember that day. The ring is a stunning 10k brushed yellow gold with 2 small diamond set into a design then a bigger one set in the center. It's nothing elaborate but I love it!