Military Brides

Any Tough Mudders?

HEY I think I have seen a post a while back about someone saying they did a tough mudder or trained/is  training  for one! Well FI and I both want to do one and I'm starting to train for it!  It looks so hardcore and bad ass! I can't wait! haha!! I'm a weirdo like that!! Anyways if anyone has done one, let me know how it went!!!

Not sure where we'll be going... the closest one would be Seattle, WA!
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Re: Any Tough Mudders?

  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I might have been that person... we'll see if I actually do it!  The first time I went to train, I ended up with dozens of thorns stuck in my palm that still haven't all come out nearly 2 months later! 

    My brother and his girlfriend just did the one in Colorado, and they were hurting for days but definnitely plan on doing it again!



  • edited December 2011
    Dude.. Good Luck with that. I envy anyone that does them.. but I HATE mud, and I HATE getting dirty..Undecided

    I want to see pics though if either of you do it!!

  • lyonstmlyonstm member
    edited December 2011
    Nice!!! Good luck to you, Ive checked out the website and its nothing short of torture! Maybe when you do compete you can post some pics!
  • edited December 2011
    @ Calindi Mabye it was you!!  That sounds familiar, but that tooootallly sucks! 

    And I will definitely post pics when we do one!!! Because we definitely are, it's already been decided!! FI said so!   haha but I'm pretty stoked about it!  

    And also, I guess they have costume contests before the races start, so if anyone has any awesome costme ideas, let me know! lol
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  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    My brother and his buddies grew out facial hair and shaved their hair into mohawks before the race.  They wore neon colored clothing and looked like they were in the 80's at a jazzercize class run by Mr. T.  It was pretty epic!



  • edited December 2011
    Hahaaa!! That is epic!!! 
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  • edited December 2011
    My BIL's gf just did Warrior Dash. Which I think is the same thing. H and I wanted to do it, but I was suppose to be out of state and it was the same day as my Aunt's wedding. We are looking for one close to us now though.
  • edited December 2011
    YAY! more brides going Tough Mudder! My FI and I are trainging for it too! From what I heard from guys who've done both the Dash and Mudder... Tough Mudder is much more demanding.
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