Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Fan Program template

Hi, does anyone have a template for fan programs? Thanks!

Re: Fan Program template

  • Yes, send me a PM with your email and I will send it to you.

    Just a word to the wise.....I wanted to burn all those little effers by the time we were done.  Talk about a PITA, but then again, I have zero patience and that is probably why my mom took over ;)

    They turned out beautifully though :)


  • I had fan programs as well.  I only had about 50 to make, so it wasn't bad at all.  One of my bridesmaids is extremely crafty and ended up volunteering to do the majority of the work since she had the supplies anyway.  All I had to do was print them out.  I got a lot of compliments from guests who had never seen programs like that before.  Most (if not all) had only ever seen programs in the pamphlet style.  You're making a good choice!
    PitaPata Cat tickers Anniversary
  • I would love a fan template as well, if either of you have one available please? 
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