Military Brides


I'm in a lovey mood so I'm stealing this from another board!

Ggirl- I think we'd be great friends in real life. Also, I think you're gorgeous!

Sami- you are such a strong woman. Also, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. You are the most thoughtful friend.

Cal- I was super intimidated by you but I'm so glad I've gottn to know you. You are so smart and I like reading what you have to say. Also, I can't freakin wait for out get together.

Stan- Ahh was in my last post. It really touched my heart when you offered to listen to me about me trying to get pregnant. Seriously. It touched me more than you know. I can't even explain it but it was so thoughtful and nice of you.

Beachy- I was also super intimidated by you. I feel like we have the same life but H and I are a couple of steps behind you. Our H's kinda have followed the same path. I appreciate you support and advice. I'm glad you're my friend!

CAB- so glad you are around. You have such a warm personality. You are so sweet.

Kara- I like you a lot. I wish I knew you better because I think we'd be good friends.

Same with you Shan. I really like you but I wish I knew you better. I also love your wedding pictures.

FTL- my hippy second half. I love your liberalness (yes I made that up). I also love when you get sassy and feisty.

Zims- you've grown on me. For real. I like you.

Crown- I feel a connection with you. I'm glad you started posting here. I enjoy you!

AMH, Binx, Mellabell, Shay, Divine, Fire! Dani- I feel like you have been around longer than you actually have. I like you guys and im glad you post on this board!

Irish- you are great! I definitely wanna have a coffee date before I move. Okay? Thanks!

Spiffy- your screen name makes me happy

kmmsg- I think you are really wise!

I'm sure I forgot some people I love but my iPad is acting up and I've already lost this post twice so I'm posting now!

I love you MB board!!!!!!!!
imageBabyFruit Ticker

Re: Lovefest

  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I just have to say that this board has been a lifesaver (or a mindsaver) more than I ever thought it would be signing up. When everything went from "planning a wedding" to "gaaaah, how do I do this" you guys have been awesome. And funny. And smart and warm. So, thank you. And I know that you'll be here when it swings back to "planning a wedding," and all the hijinks that ensue.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm really happy I found this board. I love talking to all you ladies when I am able to get on.  You all are great women.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Dog tickers Follow Me on Pinterest
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Aww, shucks!  Though I feel bad I intimidated you.  I'm loud and opinionated, I guess.  Oh well!

    Hike, you were not the obvious choice to be moderator (to be honest, there was no 'obvious' choice, but there were several girls who had been around awhile who would have done a good job) but I'm really glad you were named, and I'm really glad no one threw a fit (like PS board last week - yeesh).  You've been a wonderful mod around here, and I like the vibe of the board a lot.   You're the first one to say something nice, and you always guide the conversation away from the negative. I'm sad we didn't get to meet up while I was in DC, but hopefully soon!

    Sami - you've been the best penpal everrrrrr.  You've sent me so many thoughtful things, most especially when I needed some cheering-up so badly, and it meant the world to me.  You've also gotten me hooked on the Stephanie Plum series, and our GTG has to be to see that movie!  I swear, I'll fly up there if necessary.  Like you said, you're the sister I'd choose if I could.  You're just a very good-hearted person and you deserve so much happiness.

    Binx - your name and your cat make me happy.  You're very sweet and fun, and I always like reading your responses to things.

    AMH - you're such a sweetheart.  I know wedding planning hasn't been your favorite thing, but you've done a wonderful job and kept a good attitude about you.  You and your FI are adorable, and I wish you such a happy wedding and marriage!

    Kara - I would love to meet you IRL.  You're funny and sassy, but always fair and kind.  But girl, you gotta read those books already!  I got more to send you so you can read those and send 'em back to Sami!!!

    Stan - I've told you before, but I thought you were kind of a butch meanie when I first started posting.  You were just so hard-core about your support of the Marines, and I was still so new to it all so it intimidated the heck out of me.  Since then, you've become one of my absolute favorite posters and I think we'd get along great IRL.  You're real, and you're passionate and open minded, but you hold up a standard and take pride in that.  I respect it.

    DNBeach - you're the person who I had originally suggested as moderator.  You're fair and even-keeled, and I always respect your advice.  You're another person who I think we'd get along well IRL.

    Shan - you're such a sweetheart and I really admired your wedding.  I wish you'd post more!  You seem to be a bit here-and-there recently, but your contribution is always great.

    Katelyn - you've grown on me a bit, too.  You handle differences of opinion and criticism so much better now.  I'm glad, for your sake, and it makes it a lot easier to have you post here.

    CAB - you crack me up.  I think you're super pretty and love your various hairstyles and makeup!  I'm so boring when it comes to that stuff, so I really admire your style.

    Irish - you're a lot of fun!  I will always think of you when I hear the word "chartruece" and how gorgeous your wedding was.  I hope we get the chance to meet IRL!

    Ggirl - you're the only Knottie I've ever met IRL, and you are so sweet and fun.  I hope you're still in Beaufort when/if we end up there again so we can hang out!  We seem to have similar interests, and I'll need someone to go to that beer festival with!!!

    DMB - you are really sweet, and I hope so much that your FI gets to stay in!  If he doesn't, I'm sure it will all work out - he's lucky to have you as a support system, and you guys will find something that works great for you both.

    And the rest... it's not that I don't have good things to say (for the most part), it's because I have to finish my work and head home, and because I can't think of anything specific besides "I love y'all!"  And I'm not even Southern!



  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    Hike: Oh Hike I feel the same about you! We need to talk more often. I remember when you first came on here, I was so excited to get to know you since I found out you were in VA and we were PCSing over here. Like Cal said, I thought it was weird that you were made mod since you were so new, but you are so perfect for it! I love you as mod and things have changed drastically around here since then. I really like you too! 

    Sami: I have no other words for you but I love you! Seriously, you are such a ball of sunshine to me. You make me laugh and smile so much. You've always been the friendliest of us too which such a great trait. We need to meet up IRL!

    Calindi: When I first started posting here, I saw that other posters didn't like you, it was mostly the newbs. I think you were in the middle of an argument with someone then, so I was a bit intimidated at first. But I like you a whole lot. I think you and I would make good friends, and I would love to meet you IRL. I am halfway through the 2nd one, I am working on it! I've already told Sami the same. lol 

    Beach: Like Cal, you intimidated me a bit at first too. The thread that I saw was just full of drama with other posters at the time I think, but I obvioulsy really like you! You give great advises on here. You have been a wonderful friend. I loved being able to open up to you. I cannot wait for you to move here already so we can finally meet up!

    Stan: All I need to say about you is that you are a BADASS! I respect you a lot and the things you stand for. 

    Binx:  I have gotten to know you much better the past couple of weeks and I've learned that you're a good person. I can't wait for us to meet up!!! I am so excited! =D

    Ggirl: We obviously have the same awesome taste in wedding dresses! Wink I think you are funny and kind. You really make me laugh! 

  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I will post the rest later. I need to make dinner now!
  • tyleet87tyleet87 member
    edited December 2011
    It's nice to know how nice and thoughtful this board is.  I'm glad I found it, Lord knows I'll have lots of more military questions and I'm glad I can be so open about my wedding on here. I don't feel like anyone in RL is very enthusiastic about it. :) So thank you!
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers Follow Me on Pinterest
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Ok. I just ate so now I can do this :)

    Hike- we would totally be friends IRL and I can't wait for you to get down this way so we can meet up! I think we would have fun.

    Beachy-I've already said this but you are the reason why I started posting here. You explain things so well and I never found you intimidating. I think you are very wise and I also think we would be friends IRL.

    Cal-You are the only one I've met IRL and I had a blast! I really hope you get up this way as I think we would have fun together.

    Sami-You were the first person to ever PM me and start talking to me outside the board. You are blunt, honest, sweet, and so warm hearted that its amazing. I also admire your strength. 

    FTL- You seem so laid back and so optimistic. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt and are always the first to welcome a person to the board and engage them in conversation. 

    Irish!: I feel like every time I type your SN it deserves an exclamation point. It's how I say it in my head haha. Like Beachy, you have a way of explaining things that by the time I come into a thread, I can just say ditto :).  I also think that you are extremely kind and would be an amazing friend to have. It seems like you are a great, objective listener. 

    Stan-Ditto what Cal said. You were definitely intimidating but I definitely learned so much from you just by lurking. I also don't think you are intimidating at all now. I'm pretty sure you are an amazing, sweet person.

    Kara- We both have great taste in dresses :). You are another person that just seems optimistic about everything and so level headed. 

    Cab-I need you to come here and teach me how to do make up. Seriously. You are hysterical, sassy, and wise. It's a great personality combination.  

    Crown-I'm pretty sure you are exactly like me. We often seem to have the same thoughts, even had almost the same wedding. We so need to arrange a GTG. I think it would be epic. 

    DMB-I'm glad that your FI gets to stay in! I also admired the way you handled every situation you guys went through. 

    AMH, Binx, MelleBell, Shay, Divine, Fire, Dani-I love that you guys are posting so much and that we are getting to know each other. This board has such a great dynamic now. 

  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    Wow, such kind words ladies!!! Love you all!! Ok lets see....

    Hike, I love how you can seem neutral yet strong and opinionated all at once. I think you are a lot stronger than you think, and are a wonderful influence on us here and people you touch IRL. And yes, coffee please!!!

    Gg, I just love you and think we'd totally be friends IRL. 

    Firsty, my wonderful sounding board. 

    Sami, my Southern Belle. Love your upbeat personality and strong sarcasm!! I like to think I'm the Nothern you...hehe

    Cal, I respect your views on so many things, especially wine selections! hehe I think you provide a really strong viewpoint to a lot of discussions, which I can appreciate, even if I don't always agree (though I think I usually do.... :))

    Mel, science nerds! Love that you're on here so we can geek out. 

    Cab, you're so bright and fun and bring such a joy to the board!! 

    Crown, I feel like you're the strong silent type...I truly commend you for what you (and others!) are going through. 

    Beach, I love when you post because it's like I'm you. So happy for you and H getting the house (have I missed the inspection results??) and hope the move goes well!

    Kara, I always think you're in a good mood, which puts ME in a good mood. You're just the sweetest!

    AMH and Spiffy, I love looking at your weddings, makes me want to redo mine! You girls are so sweet!

    Zims, I can honestly say I respect you a lot, though may not always agree with you. I think you have probably gone through a lot recently, and wish you the best!

    Stan, GO GMEN! That's all. Oh and, I have such respect for you. 

    Who did I miss? Binxy!! Shay, Dani, Shan, you're all wonderfully strong women!!

  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I'm definitely going to do this later, but lol that people think I'm butch! :)
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm definitely going to do this later, but lol that people think I'm butch! :)
    Posted by WishIcouldbeinthe'stan[/QUOTE]

    I'm the only one who said I THOUGHT you were butch... sorry, I just figured, you were so gung-ho and wanted to go to Afghanistan.  But then I saw your picture, and you're so petite and cute!



  • ZeldakinsZeldakins member
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Not exactly a regular, but I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone! :)
    You have all been spectacular and very amiable to someone in need of advice. This has kind of been my haven for the past couple of months since no one around me can actually answer any questions or concerns that I have. I really enjoy the silliness and the jokes and the care that just radiates from the people on this board. You guys are great! :D
  • edited December 2011
    Bahhh!! I totally needed this today!!! I'm such a looossseer cause I read the post about DMB and I got all teary and then this and totally started crying. You girls are incredible and I love you all!! Seriously, we would all be BFF's IRL!
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Aww Sami! Thank you all so so much. And I may be KUI. There's no wine like celebratory wine. And Sami, I'm pretty sure I'll get a little happy-teary for you when your H gets home.
  • edited December 2011
    Since I was doing HW before and I didn't really get to play here we go!!:

    To everyone- I think that you are all Gorgeous, Intelligent & Strong Women.  Seriously, I would be lost without all of you.  I wouldn't have made it through this year without H without y'all, and that's the truth.

    Hike-I seriously love youuuu!!! I'm so glad you're our Mod. No Offence to Mel(the old mod, not our Mel), because I'm sure she's great, but she was really an inactive mod.  She got married, and KU and I mean that's reason enough not to be active, but anyway.  I'm so glad we have you now!!

    C-Seriously. I would have picked you for my sister any day.  Even when you're blunt with me, I know exactly how you mean what you're saying and I know that it comes out of love and genuine care for me, and I love and genuinely care for you too!! (Hence the care packages!!) I would have probably lost my mind without you as a sounding board, and I appreciate all the advice, pep talks and love you've given me over that last YEAR AND A HALF! (I think it's close anyway)

    GG-You remind me a lot of my actual sister.  She's off being a single mom and lives in Alabama, so we don't get to talk often, so having you feels like I get to talk to my sister everyday.  Plus you have excellent taste in books!

    CAB-I adore you! You're so funny and sassy and I Love it!! Now hurry up and get married so you can come back an old married hag and be more chatty with us! I Miss you!

    Beach-You also remind me of my big sister.  You're so wise and I love hearing your opinions. I'm so glad everything worked out for you on the house!! Congrats again!

    Stan- I've told you many times about my hard core girl crush on you.  It's still there, and it's still hard core.

    Shan- I miss you!!! Come back!! and let us know how your doing sans H!!  I know you've been posting on MN recently, but come back to us ocasionally!! and ditto Hike! I love your wedding pics!! You have such a great smile!!

    Kara- I love how much you cuss on FB.  It makes me smile every time!! You're so feisty, and beautiful and I always feel like you're in a good mood too!! I'm soo glad you're done being busy all the time!!

    FTL-I adore youuuu!! You're soo gorgeous, and sassy and you give such great advice!!

    Irish-You had me at "beetlejuiced"! but seriously I loved you wayy before that.  I love you for also having black as a wedding color and I love your love of wine.

    AMH- I feel like we could for real be BFF's.. I feel really honored that you trust me to do your wedding shoes (they shall totally be my masterpiece!!) and I can't wait for you to get married so I can drool over all your pics.  You make me want to get married all over again!!

    Mel- My SEC Sistah!!! You are so smart and I admire you so much!! Still loving you pretty hard core!!

    DMB- I am soo glad that everything worked out so well for you & your FI!! I love your witty remarks and your insight.. You are such a welcome addition to this board

    Binxy- I looovve your Kitty!! and You of course!! I admit that I totally FB stalked a little and I was like "Wow! She's really cool and I Like her a lot!!" And I'm totes jealous of your cake decorating skills!! 

    Zim- I agree with everyone else, you've grown on me a lot too..

    To all the newer posters, Dani, Tyleet, Zelda, Belly, I know there are more and I'm sorry, I'm glad that you ladies found us, and I hope that we can help you with any questions, we all have them and I can't wait to get to know you all better!!

    Love you all!!!!

  • edited December 2011
    Ohhh yay I am so in a lovey mood today, and especially after reading this! Ok, here I go...

    Hike, you are so kind, and compassionate, and I swear you deserve everything you want in life. I can seriously see what makes you that teacher that children look up too.

    Cal, you are one of the smartest, most interesting person on here that I know. You stimulate my mind, man! :) I love reading what you have to say because of you intelligence and I LOVE that you don't hold back. I hate when people hold back, and sometimes when you post, if I am feeling like maybe what I am saying is dumb or I need to be corrected in some way, I hope that it's you that points it out, because I could handle it if it were coming from you. I have mad respect for you.

    Sami, (WINNIE!) You are the reason I started actively posting in here. You've always made me feel so warm and wanted here. I love you hard, and I think you are the cutest thing EVER! You encourage me to do things (like the blog), and I love your posts. I also love how you can be the sweetest thing ever, but you have an attitude when necessary. You don't hold back!!! I heart talking to you!

    Ggirl, Irish, and Beach- When I first started posting, I totally wanted you 3 to like me, because I thought so highly of you 3. Irish, I was totally obsessing over your beautiful wedding, especially the picture of you on the piano! I was in awe. Ggirl, you're a sweetheart, seriously! And Beach, you totally give the big sister vibe! You are all so nice and in general awesome, not to mention you are all beautiful woman! :)

    My dear Shay... my wedding twin. I heart you, and you've only been on here for a short while! I forget that all the time! :) You are a gorgeous woman, seriously, I've been stalking your FB ;) LOL!!!! Anyway, I am really happy you're around, and wish you nothing but the best on our wedding day!

    **Side note, I have a brooch on my bouquet that I have dedicated to my wedding twins, Shay and Winnie (LOL this WILL catch on Sami!)- My little cowboy boot is for you guys! I hope that's not weird or anything... ha ha! I am going to post the final product after this**

    AMH, you rock! I love your mad coupon skills! You are so much fun to talk to!!!

    Crown, I feel like you and I would have a lot in common. I think you are a total awesome rockin beast! I feel like if you and I were at a bar, we would get into some serious trouble/fun! 

    Binx- You are adorrrrableeeeee. I'm giving you pinchy cheeks online! LOL! No, seriously, I heart ya!

    FTL- Where the hell are ya!?!?! LOL!
    Ok, but seriously, you and Fire are my work out and healthy living inspirations.

    Mel, Dani, Tyleet, Zelda, Belly- You are all pretty awesome. Tyleet, I'd love to get to know you better, since you're CA!!! :)

    Stan, I wish we'd talk to each other more, you seem to have that type of personality that I am totally drawn to. I think you are gorgeous, and incredibly intelligent.

    and last but not least, Kara. I don't think you remember, but you were the very first person to talk to me on this board. You solely were the initial impression that I got from this board. You were so warm, and sweet, and you had JUST been married at the time! I just remember thinking, "wow, this girl just got married, and here she is wanting to know more about ME?!" LOL! You are totally sweet, beautiful, and fun! Also, I love that you and your husband are soooo into your niece! It reminds me of my FI and I with our niece. When I see the posts on FB, it warms my heart. I was sooo happy for you when you got your new house. 

    In general, I really feel like you all could be IRL friends. I really feel like I am missing out on a lot by not being closer to all of you, because friends like you all are really hard to come by. :) 
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011

    Hike - I dig you, and I'm glad I made you feel better. If you ever need to go the route I talked about, I'm now a fountain of knowledge!

    Sami - You're the bomb. You're awesome for serving in an all volunteer military, you're super awesome for having a great pinterest, and I just dig you.

    Kara - I think you should be a model, you're just gorgeous!

    Beach, you're my knot Ojo, and that's saying something. We share a brain sometimes, so obviously I love you. If that makes you butch, my apologies! :D

    Shan - I dig you. You don't have the stereotypical flyer wife attitude (not that all flyer wives have it of course), you're real, down to earth, you let your H represent his own job and his own rank, and I really like that about you. 

    Ggirl - I like how independent you are, and I know we could be IRL friends!

    Melbelle - Airwing rules!

    Cal - I used to think you were mean too, which is loltastic. I really hope that your FI ends up where we are so we can be buds!

    I suck at remembering people, so if I forgot you, it's not that I don't like you! In general, I really like how this board has changed in the last little while. I used to get so annoyed coming over here, and now I don't! Yay!

    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • BinxRoseBinxRose member
    edited December 2011
    Aww ladies! Like I said on Thanksgiving, I am so very thankful for all of you. You are all such strong, fun, beautiful women. I wish you could be here with me so we could hang out IRL too! I mean it. Like I've before, I just really don't click w/ the other wives here. Luckily one of you is here and I get to meet you tomorrow for brunch (Miss Kara!!!)
  • edited December 2011
    Ahh I must do this later! I've been so super busy with work lately and it's killing me that I haven't been super active this past week and a half. But on a serious note, I really love this board. Truly. I hadn't had a good experience with other military women before I was engaged - but you ladies changed that. You make me feel included and you're all so supportive and sweet and blunt when needed. I love that we're all real and honest. I just wish we were all closer and could do GTG's. But.. its the military life. So the MB bride board serves its purpose.
    I love you ladies!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Hike - Your an awesome Mod and your so kind hearted towards everyone who posts on the board. You kind of remind me of the friend who gets stuck with the 'mom' part because you look after everyone and just want us all to be happy IRL. I hope you know that your a wonderful person, and you will make a wonderful mom. I've read your blog btw and I completely understand where you are coming from. I'm there, and I've been there for years. I may not have the solution or the best answer for how to fix it - but if you need someone to vent/talk to about it I definitely understand completely and you can PM me anytime.

    Cali - You were one of the first people who befriended me on the board and made me realize that what I want matters, not everyone elses opinion and that I need to put myself first. Anything I've ever asked help for you've been right there with numerous solutions. You'll never know how much you've really helped me with anything from wedding stuff to coping with living in a new place. I think we'd be awesome friends IRL.

    Sami - I agree, we'd definitely be BFFs IRL. You're so sweet and just like Sami you've sincerly helped me so much with everything! I trust you completely with my wedding shoes, and heck with anything else in that matter. I can't wait to see them and they'll be so much more meaningful knowing a fellow MB helped. Your so kind hearted and always there for any of us. Your such a strong woman and I love that your so sure of everything you do and believe in.

    Irish - You remind me of an big sister. Your definitely wonderful and so sweet. I love how you answer all of my Catholic questions. Because asking FI is like pulling nails. LOL. Your always thinking of others viewpoints and how to make the best of a situation.

    Fire - I'm so glad you joined the board! I can't wait for you to get down here so we can gave a GTG and go ride!

    CAB - Your awesome. I love how awesome you are with makeup and I really wish I was more talented in that aspect. I love how you just dive into everything and give it all your best. I can't wait to see your wedding pictures!!

    FTL - You scared me on here at first. Not that you were mean, just a little intimidating. But I think your awesome. I definitely appreciate all your sound advice and I love how straightforward you are.

    Kara - Your so super sweet. I love how you and your H are so into your family. That really says a lot about a person and I think its really awesome how much you love your niece!!

    GGirl, Beach, and Shan - I don't really know you ladies too much but I hope I get to know you all better!!

    Zims - I know when I first started on the board it seemed like there was a lot of drama going on with you. I hope things have settled down and that you're doing better!!

    Binx - I love your cat! I don't know you too super well but I still think your really kind and that you really mean well in everything you do. I don't always agree with your point of view but I do like how you don't back down.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I really do love you ladies, and you are stuck with me until all the regs. move on to other things. :) I have been in and out lately unfortunately-- I was back home in Minnesota running around visiting family hanging out with friends I don't get to see anymore etc. I drove back but my mom came with me- so I've been busy hosting and decorating the place for Christmas. I took a couple pictures but the tree top is hideous so I am waiting until my mom leaves to remove then show you ladies. LOL. I also bought H a little LED christmas tree from target that plugs into a computer to light up. I think he is really going to love it. (Stan they are $7 perhaps your H would like one too!)

    My Mom leaves this afternoon at which time I will finish my lovefest ;)
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Ahhh Shan I knew I forgot you! That's what I get for doing several things at once. Anyway, we don't interact much but i feel like I want to more. I know that sounds creepy but it's ok. I think we would get along great.
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Continuation(I spent time with H last night since he's on duty again today)...

    Shan: Don't even think I forgot about you! From the first time I started posting here, I've always though that you were kind hearted.  You and your H make such a cute couple! I've missed you posting around here, but since we're FB friends I love seeing your status updates and I know you're doing well.  I wish we were closer because I would to do a GTG with you. I'd also be giving you stock of eggrolls since I know you mention you like them before! Wink

    CAB: How can I forget? I remember when you first came on here too! I really like you, you're such a cool and fun person and I think we would click very well IRL! If only you were closer! I am still jealous of how beautifully you can do make up! 

    Irish: You are so much fun! I love being able to put you in a good mood. I always look forward to your posts because they make me smile and laugh! I also love that you have a potty mouth like I do!

    FTL: You're so welcoming and it makes it easier on new poster that just started posting. Also, you're very pretty! 

    To the rest of the newer ladies(Crown, Amh, Mel, Spiffy, Fire, Shay, Dani, DMB, and if I'm forgetting anyone, I'm sorry!)  I know I'm probably one of the regs you know least because I have been gone so much. Sometimes the military can make your lives very busy! I've loved getting to read all your posts and you are all nice people. I look forward to really getting to know each one of you, although I think I know some more than others now. It's good we're finally settled so I can stick around again! 

    ETA: I totally forgot you Katelyn! Like the other ladies, I think you are starting to grow on me as well. I think you've matured since the forst time you started posting on here. I definitely see the change and I am glad of that. 

  • edited December 2011
    THank you ladies
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Dog tickers Follow Me on Pinterest
  • edited December 2011

    I missed the lovefest as I have been in the middle of survey hell and spent the most of last night in the ER with one of our international students.  I don't have any kidos of my own yet but I have 80 late teens/early twenty age kids.  HAA I must go on Murry. 

    Any way back to the lovefest.  Thank you ladies so much.  Those words are very kind and much needed this week. 

    It is hard to say something about each of you since the most of what I would say would be the same.  So I am going to just tell each of you that I think you are some wonderful and amazing women.  You are strong, insightful and guide people in many different ways.  Each of you have your own wonderful gifts which is a blessing to everyone!  I am so very thankful that I have a group of women that have been/will be going what I am going through to ask for guidence or just to vent about something. 

  • edited December 2011
    Okay my Mom is in the shower and I'm waiting for UPS to deliver a package so I have some time for my lovefest.

    First of all I would like to credit my Wedding Pics to my photog. H is not photogenic at all so the fact that she got him to relax was amazing. I would also like to credit my ortho for my smile and my parents for spending the $ for braces for 4 years. I don't have any of my little shan pictures but they were BAD. I smile now to pay for those many years of a wirey mess. haha

    Stan- The first time you talked to me you scared me to death. (I had a pic of our Church in my siggy and you taught me the hard way about PERSEC). But I know now you had the best intentions in mind, I admire you for your love of the MC even if it isn't the AF :-p You are wise beyond your years and I love that you share your knowledge (deployments and otherwise) with everyone (including me). I admire you a lot for helping your BFF get pregnant it makes you a really special person and loyal like my H.

    Hike- You are a great preson (I'm sure a rock as a teacher too) and my heart aches everytime I see babies and remember your struggles. Hang tough girlfriend :) I'll continue to pray for you.  Your patience with newbs is AMAZING, and a great quality of a mod. I'm sure you are rolling your eyes at your computer but I never get that in your posts.

    Kara- I wish H had a sister because I think she would be you. :) Perhaps you can be my honorary SIL? I too wish we lived closer because I think we would be awesome life long friends. Perhaps we will have to do a GTG in the middle of everyone. BTW I got the eggroll recipe from MIL it's simple but I think it's tedious- I may be coming to you for eggroll tips soon. I love seeing your Facebook activity because it's as if I said it, you are hilarious.

    Beachy- You are rockstar. I'm glad that we became buddies. Your Niagara Falls advice was extremely helpful and made our trip. :) I'm happy you are moving closer to family and praying you get the job of your dreams there. Perhaps we will be preggo buddies too or you can give me advice once we're there. I also love that you're dog is like your baby because I'm the same way. LoL I always swore I wouldn't but alas I am.

    Cal- I've seen you grow a lot since first posting. I appreciated your Costa Rica advice and your girl Sasha (sp?) is stealing my heart for sure. I'm such a sucker for dogs. I know you prob take heat for your FI's job and the fact that he is still in school (outside the world of TK at least H's Jag's buddies did/do)-- But I respect you both regardless. I am also looking forward to your wedding pics because you seem really creative and talented.

    GGirl- I don't know you beside TK but I love your wedding on the beach. That was my original idea and I love that it worked our so well for you.

    Sami- You also rock my world. I picture you at Curves and suddenly I'm motiviated to stick with my diet and exercise. I also would never have thought to brush my teeth instead of eating a cookie. HAHA. I also appreciate your health/fitness advice because I know you've been there. (H has never struggled with weight and I always have- and his perspective is such a downer sometimes). You are super funny and quirky and I love that. It makes me happy to see you and your H making the LD work. I've see so many failed marriages IRL it makes me happy to see ppl who really have it rough make it work. I'm also proud of your ability to handle your ILs with class.

    AMH- You are new, but I am already hooked on your couponing. :) I love a good deal and my family is always giving me a hard time for being so thrifty so it's awesome to see others hunting our deals too.

    Crap mom is out of the shower....... more to come I promise.
  • edited December 2011
    I just wanted to say I love all of you and have learned a lot from you! I can't believe how I used to post when I came on here and glad you guys knocked some sense into me. I really enjoy talking to all of you!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Is it weird that I'm kind of getting the feeling through this whole thing, despite being warm fuzzies, that a lot of people didn't or don't really like me?  Kind of not the point, but the 'warm fuzzies' made me feel a bit bad.  I know I am quick to give my opinion and pontificate, and I don't really have patience for stupidity, but I hate that most people were intimidated or thought I was a meanie!

    ETA:  I didn't mean that to be a, "Make me feel better about myself!" but rather a "Sorry if I was a butthead!" comment.  Thanks, though, Crown! Laughing



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:b0833a04-3f32-459a-9f7a-c7bb9bfe3991Post:bece691e-f6f6-4a28-9b19-74107b8a23cd">Re: Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is it weird that I'm kind of getting the feeling through this whole thing, despite being warm fuzzies, that a lot of people didn't or don't really like me?  Kind of not the point, but the 'warm fuzzies' made me feel a bit bad.  I know I am quick to give my opinion and pontificate, and I don't really have patience for stupidity, but I hate that most people were intimidated or thought I was a meanie!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    DO NOT FEEL THAT WAY (sorry to yell).  I have always liked and apprecitated your honesty.  You give wonderful advise and really the people that need to listen don't.  Really, you are most of the time in my head and have posted something before I have a chance to type it.  HAA! 
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is it weird that I'm kind of getting the feeling through this whole thing, despite being warm fuzzies, that a lot of people didn't or don't really like me?  Kind of not the point, but the 'warm fuzzies' made me feel a bit bad.  I know I am quick to give my opinion and pontificate, and I don't really have patience for stupidity, but I hate that most people were intimidated or thought I was a meanie!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    <div>Oh Cal, don't say that! You are not a meanie. I admit I was only intimidated because a year and a half ago, I didn't know much about military things like OPSEC and PERSEC, among other rules. I also admit that I needed to develop a tougher skin, I was a bit of a stupid newb back then. When I first ventured out to this board, I was still comforts of my local and month boards and you know how it's always rainbows and sunshines on there, but here it's all blunt honesty and it was just a bit surprising since I wasn't used to it. I have grown to really like you and I admire you for always being so honest! </div><div>
    </div><div>ETA: Shan, I would love to be your honorary SIL! And you can hit me up anytime for that eggroll recipe! Everyone makes it a bit differently and they are very tedious to make which is the only part I hate so I always stock up on them!</div>
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lovefest : Oh Cal, don't say that! You are not a meanie. I admit I was only intimidated because a year and a half ago, I didn't know much about military things like OPSEC and PERSEC, among other rules. I also admit that I needed to develop a tougher skin, I was a bit of a stupid newb back then. When I first ventured out to this board, I was still comforts of my local and month boards and you know how it's always rainbows and sunshines on there, but here it's all blunt honesty and it was just a bit surprising since I wasn't used to it. I have grown to really like you and I admire you for always being so honest! 
    Posted by kara811[/QUOTE]
    I agree with all of this. I was a bit taken a back by how blunt everyone was when I was new to all of the boards in general. I didn't realize month boards were known for the sunshine and rainbow stuff haha. I like how you guys tell it like it is<div>
    </div><div>Also I can't believe I sided with Kendall early on <img src="" border="0" alt="Embarassed" title="Embarassed" /> You guys definitely knew what you were talking about</div>
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