So FI made it to his new station and found a really awesome house (renting)
. We've been talking about how we're going to decorate. He's going to make some furniture but he keeps asking what style I want to decorate in, but I'm not really sure. I know what I like but I try to look things up online and nothing seems that awesome. I'm not much of a decorator. It's fun, but I've never really been able to do much due to where I've rented and what not.
It will be a long time since I'm still in the Anchorage area. Not sure when I will move up there, but it's still fun thinking about it
SO ... What's your decorating "style"? Where do you like buying decor? Are you a DIYer? Have any pictures? If so, POST 'EM
Or do you have a dream house? dream kitchen? dream anything