Can I just say, that it REALLY pisses me off that I can't sleep because I'm still so upset about this. I know I shouldn't let it bug me, but I bothers me that anyone would even think that I would go so far as to contact someone IRL (GG & Calindi excluded). I would never. EVER. Just because other people are careless with OPSEC and PERSEC, doesn't mean I am, and it certainly doesn't mean that I would violate their blatant disregard for either. It pisses me off that 2 children just assumed that it was me and didn't so much as stop to perhaps ASK me before trashing me in a post. And have still yet to apologize to me for their assumption.
No, I am not the nicest person in the world, nor have I ever claimed to be.. I am blunt, direct, snarky, and if I'm being honest, yes, I can be a PITA, 1st class b!tch. Just because I voice an opinon that you are too immature to handle, does not mean that I care enough to look you up IRL. And if your "marriage is over" because lurker did do that, well it probably wasn't on the most solid ground in the first place.
Kendall-I'm very sorry that this happened to you. I think Stan is right and that you'd be better off on the Bee, because they seem to love you over there, and at this point I think that there are too many black marks on your rep for you to stay on here and be well recieved. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe you could come back from all this, but I think it would take a very long time.. Again, I'm sorry that someone did this to you, but it wasn't me.
I'm done now.. Hopefully we can have a drama free Sunday.