Military Brides

Can I just say...

That I LOVE this board Laughing I know I don't post on here often but I'm not able to at my job very often since I am always dealing with customers. However, I lurk on here all day and comment if/when I get the chance. I'm getting married in November and I'm still learning so much about the Army/military. You ladies have helped me so much dealing with everything and I feel like I know all of you! It's so nice to have this community feeling and I hope it's like that when I finally get my FI's base! So thank you ladies for being awesome!
Wedding Countdown Ticker
image 204 made the cut image 122 are ready to party image 65 are being lame
image 17 can't find the mailbox
RSVP Date: October 20

Re: Can I just say...

  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Hi Young!

    November is coming up! Are you getting all set for the wedding? Where will you guys be living?

    Keep posting!!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • YoungDuoYoungDuo member
    edited December 2011
    I am completely ready for the wedding, everything is booked..all that's left are my addressing my invitations! We'll be living at Ft Bragg, he's already down there but with my job, I'm not able to move until right before we're married. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 204 made the cut image 122 are ready to party image 65 are being lame
    image 17 can't find the mailbox
    RSVP Date: October 20
  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Tell us about your wedding!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • YoungDuoYoungDuo member
    edited December 2011
    We're both from the same town so we're getting married at his church and we're having a party as our reception at a hotel and I'm so excited :) I was reading your post earlier about colors that go well with military uniforms. My FI is wearing his blues and my colors are Sangria and Golden! I'll definitely post pictures after November! We're only having a 5 1/2 month engagement and it's killing me to wait so long! I am so excited about the adventure we're going to be on :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 204 made the cut image 122 are ready to party image 65 are being lame
    image 17 can't find the mailbox
    RSVP Date: October 20
  • edited December 2011
    Hi Young!!

    I'm in NC too!! your colors sound beautiful!! I can't wait to see pics!!
  • edited December 2011
    Another NC gal here!! My DH and did the same thing. He was living in NC and I was finishing grad school and work in VA. Once that was finished I moved south! Sounds like you have everything under control! Congrats :)
  • edited December 2011
    I've learned a TON on this board too! It's nice to talk to people in who know what you're going through. I was in my freshman year of college this past year when FI was deployed and didn't really have anyone who understood. I'd hear girls say oh my bf goes to another college I miss him so much. I just wanted to be like really you're complaining to me about being apart. 
    Yay on your wedding coming up :D Sounds beautiful
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