Military Brides


FINALLY! We got a pet for our place :) His name is Herbie and he is an older cat...but he is just darling!

He loves the catnip plant lol

He's still very curious :D

Lazy kitty

He likes to stick his tongue out when you pet a dog and he comes when you call his name and likes to roll over to be petted :) I'm really happy and excited about being a new petowner :D


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    I very much needed this right now. Soooo cute.
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    Rest assured there will be more! :P

    I'm soooo in love with this kitty and I can't stop taking pictures of every cute thing he does />.>
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    That's awesome. I love that you gave an older pet a home.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    Ohhh your kitty is beautiful!!

    The nice thing about older cats is they already know how to use the litter box, are a bit calmer, already have set personalities (so what you see is what you get).

    I volunteer with SPCA at PetSmart in the cat adoptions, and just had my first applicant be approved for adoption last week. All this kitty adoption goodness warms my heart :)
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: AW: NEW KITTY! :D</a>:
    [QUOTE]I very much needed this right now. Soooo cute.
    Posted by divinemsbee[/QUOTE]
    Bahahahaha love Big Bang!<div>
    </div><div>Beautiful cat! I'm a huge cat person. I told FI I wanna get cats that look like all of the Aristocats because it was my favorite movie as a kid but he's not going for that idea haha</div>
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    Zims- That's too many cats!!!! XD

    Also, he managed to have me worried sick today...he crawled into the wall and decided to play in between the floor of our place and the cieling of the people under us all day. I thought I was gonna have a dead kitty...:/ but he came out finally and is kinda upset about us blocking the hole that he got into.

    PHEW! That was a close call.
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    In Response to Re:AW: NEW KITTY! :D:[QUOTE]Zims That's too many cats!!!! XDAlso, he managed to have me worried sick today...he crawled into the wall and decided to play in between the floor of our place and the cieling of the people under us all day. I thought I was gonna have a dead kitty...:/ but he came out finally and is kinda upset about us blocking the hole that he got into. PHEW! That was a close call. Posted by Zeldakins[/QUOTE]
    I'm a crazy cat person :/ glad kitty is ok!
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    YAY!  I love the kitty!  I agree; older kitties are the best.  My grumpy old man is currently sitting on the radiator cover, looking out the window that's open because it's far too warm for this time of year.

    And yay BBT reference.  :)
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