Military Brides

NWR: Any suggestions

Hi ladies!
  So FI just PCSed and I went with him (were not married yet so I have a hard time saying "We" PCSed). We've been here for a little over a month and obviously its easy for him to get to know people because hes working with them. Only a few of them are married and so its nearly impossible to meet other women because other wives work full time, have kids, or are a lot older.  I'd like to get involved in some of the familiy readiness or wive's clubs but I'm not sure 1. if I can do that since we not married yet (we will be in April) or 2. does it matter that FI doesn't have a squadron yet since hes on casual not sure if they're general to a base or specific. FI is pretty clueless about how anything works in regards to significant others since I wasn't at the last base with him. Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: NWR: Any suggestions

  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I was in a similar situation when we moved here because the ship was already deployed, so H couldn't meet any coworkers and introduce me to their wives.  Have your FI take you on base one day, and find you can go to the family support center.  Ours on the Naval base is called Fleet and Family Support Services, and I'm not sure what it is called for other branches.  They can probably give you information on support groups and things like that.  H's ship has a family association, and that has a FB page, and monthly meetings.  The meetings are on base so you wouldn't be able to go alone, but they might allow FI's to go.  Unfortunately, the military doesn't give a crap about you unless you are married, and then they only care slightly more. 

    I know that our group allows wives from all squadrons and locations if they are attached to the ship, but you have to be married.  There is also an ombudsman group on yahoo that allows some other family members to be access the site, but you have to be approved first.  

    I don't really know that any of this was helpful.  My other suggestion for non-military friends would be to check out Craigslist for different groups.  Also, maybe just in your neighborhood.  I have 2 really good friends I've made here that are wives.  One I met at a meeting, and one I just met when we were both out walking our dogs in our complex.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011

    It can be done.  I moved in with my then FI, now my husband, before we got married.  We both thought it was a good idea for me to get involved right away with the FRG (Family Readiness Group) so I could make some friends and not be so bored.  He contacted the Battalion FRSA, explained that I wanted to get involved with the FRG.  She put him in contact with the FRG Leader who then contacted me.  He also took me to any family functions that his Battalion had, like Hail and Farewells, BBQs, etc and introduced me to his co-workers and their wives.  He might have to do a bit of digging on his end, as far as finding out who contact and put you in touch with, but it'll be worth it.

    Never trust a big butt and a smile. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    As far as meeting new people in the area, I'm a big proponent of and joining a team or club.  Kickball is fun, adult softball can be cool.  Heck, anything you like to do!  Join a sewing club or get involved volunteering somewhere.  Audit a class at a local community college.  I've moved a lot, and learned to adapt.  Making new friends is NOT easy - it's actually a lot like dating! 

    Anyway, good luck, and let us know if you need any more info.



  • amyl2585amyl2585 member
    edited December 2011
    I am engaged to a Marine and getting married in March.
    We lived together at his last station for about a year and now I moved to this station with him. I have met some wives but it has been difficult because we are not married. I have been told by some of the wives, well in March we will start inviting you to things.
    It is kind of annoying, but that is why I found a job where we lived now and go do my own thing while he is at work.
    Good luck it is tough getting into the groups, especially since many of the guys FI works with have been married for like 5 years with like 2-3 kids. I am hoping when we move next I will be more accepted.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies! I"ll see if I can get FI to dig up some info. It makes it a little more complicated because hes technically stationed at a remote base which doesn't have any facilities, I think they just got a gym and that was a big deal, on it everything is run through the larger nearby base so its like being an even littler fish in a large pond. Ahh Can't wait until April, everything will be waaaaay easier lol
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