Hi ladies!
So FI just PCSed and I went with him (were not married yet so I have a hard time saying "We" PCSed). We've been here for a little over a month and obviously its easy for him to get to know people because hes working with them. Only a few of them are married and so its nearly impossible to meet other women because other wives work full time, have kids, or are a lot older. I'd like to get involved in some of the familiy readiness or wive's clubs but I'm not sure 1. if I can do that since we not married yet (we will be in April) or 2. does it matter that FI doesn't have a squadron yet since hes on casual not sure if they're general to a base or specific. FI is pretty clueless about how anything works in regards to significant others since I wasn't at the last base with him. Anyone have any suggestions?