Military Brides

I need a hug.

I am missing Aram so badly lately and I won't see him for another month plus. I know this is nothing to some of you, but this is new to me. I just want a hug from him. Will this ever get any easier?
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Re: I need a hug.

  • edited December 2011
    the truth? No it doesn't get better. It will most likely get harder when you have kids that are wondering where Dad is. Just try to keep busy.
  • edited December 2011
    It really does get easier.
    I know it super duper sucks, but I PROMISE it does... I mean... we all still have our down days from time to time and that's okay, but overall it's better.
    H leaves for at least a week a month on dets here and there, so it was a little easier for me to get used to the long stuff like San Diego for 3 weeks or deployment for 7 months... but now that you have done this whole long distance crap, you will know what to expect next time.
    The emotions are the hardest to get a hold of, and you don't really know how you are going to react until it HAPPENS, so now that you are living it, you will know for next time.
    I'm sorry you're having a rough and tough time right now :( How longish has he been gone so far?

    hah.. Shan and I are definitely split on the topic :P I can only imagine that kids makes it harder... BUt I'm not at that point yet so I will cross that bridge when I get there.
  • calindicalindi member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Just like anything else, it gets better and it gets worse.  Just hang in there, know that there will be such a high when you get to see him again (I'm told the homecoming is the best feeling, but I haven't been there yet - in a little over a month, you can tell me how it is!).  Then when he has to go again, it'll suck.  And then he gets to come home again.  See how it goes?

    Try to find what works for you - exercise, find a club, come up with a goal that you want to accomplish before you see him again.  It'll help make the time pass.  Try not to count the days - from experience, it makes it seem longer.  When you stop counting, all of a sudden it goes quicker.



  • edited December 2011
    Saying Good-bye is always hard. We've had plenty of experience with LD and IMO it doesn't get easier saying goodbye. Although the more busy I am, the less time I have to think about it- therefore the less sad I am.
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto C.

    Keep yourself busy, and you'll be okay!
  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sending hugs!
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