Military Brides

Visiting ports where boat pulls in while on deployment?

Hubby has gotten two ports that he knows he will be pulling into on his deployment this summer. One is a popular US territory and a place i have never been either...He says that he doesnt see why I could not fly to see him while his boat is in that port, as they supposedly are going to be there for at least a week, if not more.

He says that he thinks he remebers on previous deployments spouses visiting, but he didnt know for sure.

Anyone know the rules on this?


Re: Visiting ports where boat pulls in while on deployment?

  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    It's possible to visit them while in port, I know some people have done it. But the only thing is, the ship's schedule could very well still change. They might end up pulling in earlier or later than the date they were supposed to. So just watch out for that, or in some cases, they might not even pull into to that port anymore. This has happened quite a bit with my H's ship, either the schedule changed or they didn't go anymore.

    The other thing to consider is if your H will get his leave approved, some do and some don't. They usually have at least 1 duty day while in port. Sometimes H and I think about me visiting him in ports they pull into, but I don't want to risk it, given that there's usually some last minute changes that goes on. 

    ETA:  He would probably have to find someone willing to cover for him on those duty days. This, I know is what many people do on H's ship when they want leave the whole time while in port. 
  • Avion22Avion22 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    He should ask his superisor about this.   Making sure that he gets shore leave is important.  Also, in some instances in the Air Force having your spouse visit whie you're gone is frowned upon...but I have no idea about the Navy. 

    As long as you don't mind if his plans change, then go for it.  If it works out right it could be really awesome.  Are you friends with any of the other wives of guys in his unit?  Maybe you can plan a trip together so that in case the guys don't make it you'll still have someone fun to hang out with.
  • edited December 2011
    The navy is more lax about it. I know the wives in my squadron ALWAYS go to visit their hubbies while they are deployed to japan (space a is the way to fly!)  however, boat guys don't always get the time off the ship, so definitely have him talk to other people on the boat and maybe talk to a supervisor to see if he will be able to get some shore leave.
    I will say, the navy has a way of changing plans at the worst times, so be aware that they could decide not to stop there after you already bought your plane ticket />_< I have heard/seen it happen more than a couple times hah
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    You are definitely able to visit them while in ports.  As others have said things can definitely change though.  I would either wait until much closer to book, or buy refundable tickets.  On this last deployment his ship changed the port for its first visit just a couple weeks before they went to it, and the ship had no control over it.  The whole point of the port viists (while obviously time off for the sailors) is to build/maintain relations with other countries.  The government decided that they needed to visit a different port since it had been so long since any ships had been there, and changed it pretty last minute.  

    Being there for a weeks sounds weird to me, since I've only known port visits to be about 4 days, with them having duty one of the days.  They can try and take leave, or can just forget it and you can plan a day yourself there.  We were getting pretty solid dates about a month or so before they actually hit the ports, but of course they were always subject to change.  i didn't go to any of the ports, but I have thought about it for this next deployment if they hit any ports in Europe (basically I would only want to go to Greece or Italy).  
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