My fiance and I just got engaged in December, but I'm still in grad school and want to wait until after I graduate (June 2012) to have the wedding.
I know we have lots of time, but I'm trying to figure out if making anysort of plans this year makes sense.
Problem: fiance is currently a 1LT in the Army, and between now and my graduation he'll be attending a captain's career course. After his course, he'll be assigned to another unit. And, until we know what that unit is, we can't know what his deployment schedule might be.
It seems likely that he will be done with the course/find out his new assignment around March 2012. Ideally, I'd like an August wedding.
Question: Would you wait to put deposits on venue/etc until March? If I put down deposits earlier, would a military clause in the vendor agreements be applicable? If he deploys that summer, it might be over a year before we could have the wedding...
Don't forget, this is still over a year away... so maybe I'm being crazy for thinking about it now! But I'll have to figure it out eventually!