Military Brides

Intro and Vendor Review for Dress in Germany (who speaks English)

Hi all,
I'm getting married in Boston on October 3rd and, like many brides overseas, had no idea where to buy my dress.  I'm stationed overseas as a civilian, but still wanted to find a middle descent, simple dress at a good price.  Everywhere I went in Germany carried really blingly dresses.  Great if you like that - but bad if you don't.

Just wanted to give a shout-out to the dress store ja brautmoden in Darmstadt.  They had a variety of middle of the road dresses (not David's Bridal prices, but not Vera Wang either - just something in the middle which is what I was looking for - mine is a La Sposa).  So, if you're an overseas bride like me or you know someone in the military who's looking for a wedding gown while in Germany, please let them know this dress shop is nearby.  They speak a little English (and I don't speak Germany, so this was very helpful), they take VAT forms, and they did a good job of tailoring. 

I didn't like their accessories, so went to another store in Alzey to buy the veil, etc.  So, if anyone wants information on that store, I'm happy to pass this along as well.  It can be a challenge looking for wedding stuff while you're overseas and don't speak the language, but it's not impossible.
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